I really hate all those application procedures lar.........the worst is sum uni applications STILL ASK U TO WRITE ESSAYS LAR I MEAN COME ON!!!!!!!!
Man.........luckily for the NUS one, the procedure has been simplified and shortened for us cos MOE already has most of the information in its database so dat saves me a lot of trouble.......
Hmmph......basically I've just applied for NUS and NTU today....wasn't going to initially but was just checking out to see when the application is open and since it was open today i just went on to complete the registration form.......NTU's a lot more troublesome cos u have to write short essays........
For the ASEAN scholarship award, the procedure differs for NUS and NTU......for NUS u dun have to apply.....they will automatically consider you for the scholarship once u register........but for NTU there's another seperate form to be completed and it involves more essay writing BUT THE QUESTIONS REMAIN THE SAME!!!!!!!! They only give you 2 options and they repeat themselves for the uni application form and the schoalrship application in order to avoid repeating myself i chose option A for the 1st and B for the latter........
And the application for ASEAN scholarship through NTU requires a pic in digital file........n i dunno how to get it done outside cos they requested passport i just took my phone n adjusted to the smallest pic size n took my own pic hahaha it was hilarious!!!!! I look SOOOOOOOOOO ugly in the pic but i cudn't really care cos it's such a hassle to get it done outside.......!
Went to the Australian uni exhibition durin noon at puteri pacific hotel......was there early so wasn't really crowded though there were visibly more ppl later........registered at Melbourne U and West Australian U (i tink it's in Perth...) cos the others i wasn't really interested and the high-and-mighty ANU din set up a booth there.........hmmph.......i tink i'll go check out ANU's site later and see how things goes........cos registering today allow me to have me registration fees waived.......but the IDP ppl told me ANU refuse to waive those fees so even if they set a booth there u stil need to pay.........stuck-up snobs..........
Can consider myself as being busy today lar hahaha cos kept doin the registration things......den must go n pay those fees too........luckily for NUS n NTU can use ATM to pay.......
Haven really tot abt other scholarships cos i doubt my chances but to avoid regreting my stupid actions in e future i shall start to apply for a few frm tonite onwards or maybe tmr morning be4 i set off to malacca........
Oh ya........Melbourne U no longer offers any double degrees.........and frm 2008 onwards they will not be offering sum of their engineering courses while the remaining ones will be phased out soon too.......cos the person-in-charged told me dat instead of doin a double degree for econs n engineering (in my case) u can do a normal econs degree for 3 years den proceed on to do masters for engineering (2 years) so it adds up to he same 5 years u spend for a double degree.......n u r still recognized as a professional engineer with a masters degree........but i dun really understand y dey wanna phase out engineering degrees n offer them onli at the masters level..........luckily for me civil eng wasn't one of the many being phased out yet.....n dat onli take place in 2008 aneway so for now it's safe to apply for any eng courses there........pity they dun have double-degrees though.........
But the fees at Melbourne U really quite ex........west australia u like 4000 aussie.........dats a lot........
Haih no time to write more.....must go feed puppy........write more later lar......
Celine Dion ~ To Love You More
I really hate all those application procedures lar.........the worst is sum uni applications STILL ASK U TO WRITE ESSAYS LAR I MEAN COME ON!!!!!!!!
Man.........luckily for the NUS one, the procedure has been simplified and shortened for us cos MOE already has most of the information in its database so dat saves me a lot of trouble.......
Hmmph......basically I've just applied for NUS and NTU today....wasn't going to initially but was just checking out to see when the application is open and since it was open today i just went on to complete the registration form.......NTU's a lot more troublesome cos u have to write short essays........
For the ASEAN scholarship award, the procedure differs for NUS and NTU......for NUS u dun have to apply.....they will automatically consider you for the scholarship once u register........but for NTU there's another seperate form to be completed and it involves more essay writing BUT THE QUESTIONS REMAIN THE SAME!!!!!!!! They only give you 2 options and they repeat themselves for the uni application form and the schoalrship application in order to avoid repeating myself i chose option A for the 1st and B for the latter........
And the application for ASEAN scholarship through NTU requires a pic in digital file........n i dunno how to get it done outside cos they requested passport i just took my phone n adjusted to the smallest pic size n took my own pic hahaha it was hilarious!!!!! I look SOOOOOOOOOO ugly in the pic but i cudn't really care cos it's such a hassle to get it done outside.......!
Went to the Australian uni exhibition durin noon at puteri pacific hotel......was there early so wasn't really crowded though there were visibly more ppl later........registered at Melbourne U and West Australian U (i tink it's in Perth...) cos the others i wasn't really interested and the high-and-mighty ANU din set up a booth there.........hmmph.......i tink i'll go check out ANU's site later and see how things goes........cos registering today allow me to have me registration fees waived.......but the IDP ppl told me ANU refuse to waive those fees so even if they set a booth there u stil need to pay.........stuck-up snobs..........
Can consider myself as being busy today lar hahaha cos kept doin the registration things......den must go n pay those fees too........luckily for NUS n NTU can use ATM to pay.......
Haven really tot abt other scholarships cos i doubt my chances but to avoid regreting my stupid actions in e future i shall start to apply for a few frm tonite onwards or maybe tmr morning be4 i set off to malacca........
Oh ya........Melbourne U no longer offers any double degrees.........and frm 2008 onwards they will not be offering sum of their engineering courses while the remaining ones will be phased out soon too.......cos the person-in-charged told me dat instead of doin a double degree for econs n engineering (in my case) u can do a normal econs degree for 3 years den proceed on to do masters for engineering (2 years) so it adds up to he same 5 years u spend for a double degree.......n u r still recognized as a professional engineer with a masters degree........but i dun really understand y dey wanna phase out engineering degrees n offer them onli at the masters level..........luckily for me civil eng wasn't one of the many being phased out yet.....n dat onli take place in 2008 aneway so for now it's safe to apply for any eng courses there........pity they dun have double-degrees though.........
But the fees at Melbourne U really quite ex........west australia u like 4000 aussie.........dats a lot........
Haih no time to write more.....must go feed puppy........write more later lar......
Celine Dion ~ To Love You More