Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 7:48 PM
YEAH!!!!!!!!! Finally.........just as i was being all grouchy wif NUS and NTU for not contacting me, my uncle frm Woodlands called just now to tell me he received a confirmation letter frm NTU basically I've been given my 1st choice of Civil Engineering at NTU.....! Haih i forgot i placed 2 addresses down in all my applications so it wudn't come as a surprise if the letters ended up at my uncle's house in spore.........but cos SMU sent it all the way to msia obviously i wud be expecting a letter ending up in front of my house lar.........
My fren (sporean) who called me ytd was asking me abt my opinion cos she wanted to take up phsycology but din noe whether she shud head to NUS or NTU.........she told me she had done her homework and noes dat NTU is veri strict in screening ppl for the phsycology course so quite obviously NTU has a better phsycology course lar.......but NUS definitely has a better reputation when it comes to prestige n stuff i just asked her which environment did she prefer and she said NTU (i prefer NUS after attending both the open house) so ISN'T THE CHOICE VERI OBVIOUS!!!!????
I tink she just needed sumone to help confirm her choice for her so she wud feel more at ease.......
Well.............until now onli got news regarding admissions but no news regarding scholarships.......i emailed SMU tis morning just to clarify sum doubts regarding the scholarhsip n they repplied me within 5 mins!! How efficient is dat!!? Basically its the same old thing: onli successful applicants will be notified and they'll start notifying ppl ard May to June so i guess i'll have to wait longer.........
Sumtimes its better to just sit down n tink of wat we have right i'm basically veri thankful for all that i have now......must be satisfied lar cannot ask for too much. Hmmm just hope dat i can get wat i wan although sumtimes i dun even noe wat i wan haha esp when it comes to uni stuff........just like meimei pondering over ntu or smu..........i guess for me the decision really lies in whether i can get a scholarship or not...........dat will basically decide which uni im going to..........
Well.....dat being said the decision is no longer in my hands unless i get scholarship offers frm more than 1 uni...........but i'm not lusting for too much so we'll just wait n see..........
Give thanx.......... 感恩。。。。。
My fren (sporean) who called me ytd was asking me abt my opinion cos she wanted to take up phsycology but din noe whether she shud head to NUS or NTU.........she told me she had done her homework and noes dat NTU is veri strict in screening ppl for the phsycology course so quite obviously NTU has a better phsycology course lar.......but NUS definitely has a better reputation when it comes to prestige n stuff i just asked her which environment did she prefer and she said NTU (i prefer NUS after attending both the open house) so ISN'T THE CHOICE VERI OBVIOUS!!!!????
I tink she just needed sumone to help confirm her choice for her so she wud feel more at ease.......
Well.............until now onli got news regarding admissions but no news regarding scholarships.......i emailed SMU tis morning just to clarify sum doubts regarding the scholarhsip n they repplied me within 5 mins!! How efficient is dat!!? Basically its the same old thing: onli successful applicants will be notified and they'll start notifying ppl ard May to June so i guess i'll have to wait longer.........
Sumtimes its better to just sit down n tink of wat we have right i'm basically veri thankful for all that i have now......must be satisfied lar cannot ask for too much. Hmmm just hope dat i can get wat i wan although sumtimes i dun even noe wat i wan haha esp when it comes to uni stuff........just like meimei pondering over ntu or smu..........i guess for me the decision really lies in whether i can get a scholarship or not...........dat will basically decide which uni im going to..........
Well.....dat being said the decision is no longer in my hands unless i get scholarship offers frm more than 1 uni...........but i'm not lusting for too much so we'll just wait n see..........
Give thanx.......... 感恩。。。。。