I mean its like 40 degrees in the morning AND the afternoon and then just when u're about to lose it and finally gave up on the idea of helping to control global warming as you turn on the aircond, the sky turns dark in less than 15 minutes and you hear a distant rumbling as the thunder sets in..........and soon enough the lightning's gonna be making a grand entrance, forcing you to switch off ur electronic appliances in case they get fried n turn into edible toasts of nickel and mercury............
I hate the weather.........
NUS trip today was boring and a total waste of time..................
I'm in need of a drastic change in my life............either that or S$250,000.......... Why S$250,000? Cos i wanna enter Deal or No Deal..............
It's a saturday.........and saturdays are always boring...........cos theres nth much on tv..........
I dun even wanna venture outside my house w/o a car nowadays..........cos the weather's too erratic........i din realise even the weather has PMS..............maybe dats y they call nature "mother nature".............
Ok the rumbling's getting worst...........i gotta go be4 i get stuck wif a fried computer wif toast mouse and key boards as side dishes for the rest of the month..........
Kelly Clarkson ~ Never Again
I mean its like 40 degrees in the morning AND the afternoon and then just when u're about to lose it and finally gave up on the idea of helping to control global warming as you turn on the aircond, the sky turns dark in less than 15 minutes and you hear a distant rumbling as the thunder sets in..........and soon enough the lightning's gonna be making a grand entrance, forcing you to switch off ur electronic appliances in case they get fried n turn into edible toasts of nickel and mercury............
I hate the weather.........
NUS trip today was boring and a total waste of time..................
I'm in need of a drastic change in my life............either that or S$250,000.......... Why S$250,000? Cos i wanna enter Deal or No Deal..............
It's a saturday.........and saturdays are always boring...........cos theres nth much on tv..........
I dun even wanna venture outside my house w/o a car nowadays..........cos the weather's too erratic........i din realise even the weather has PMS..............maybe dats y they call nature "mother nature".............
Ok the rumbling's getting worst...........i gotta go be4 i get stuck wif a fried computer wif toast mouse and key boards as side dishes for the rest of the month..........
Kelly Clarkson ~ Never Again