Ok..........so here's the deal...........i went to do my first facial in my lifetime wif my mum 2day since she's doing hers n she has quite a few treatments left so she tot i cud use up sum of hers..........my complexion wasn't exactly flawless to start wif..........
So..........i tot it was gonna be an enjoyable experience...........well i wudn't say it was a disaster.......i still enjoyed it............but there were parts of the treatment dat made me cringe in pain...........cos they actually started pressing my pimples!!!!!!!!!!! or squeezing them.........either one............n picking out the blackheads wif a pin thingy dats SHARP............dat part was REALLY PAINFUL............the lady told me it WAS gonna be painful but i sure wasn't expecting anything liddat when i entered the place!!!! Cos i tot u weren't suppose to squeeze ur pimples.................it really hurt...........
Den she put on this mask thingy on my face which was FREAKING COLD............like real icy cold i'm telling ya..........when she left the room i quickly searched around for my handphone (my eyes were covered at dat time) n took pics of myself cosi can't see wat i looked like wif a mask on so i was curious hahaha! :P

So..........i tot it was gonna be an enjoyable experience...........well i wudn't say it was a disaster.......i still enjoyed it............but there were parts of the treatment dat made me cringe in pain...........cos they actually started pressing my pimples!!!!!!!!!!! or squeezing them.........either one............n picking out the blackheads wif a pin thingy dats SHARP............dat part was REALLY PAINFUL............the lady told me it WAS gonna be painful but i sure wasn't expecting anything liddat when i entered the place!!!! Cos i tot u weren't suppose to squeeze ur pimples.................it really hurt...........
Den she put on this mask thingy on my face which was FREAKING COLD............like real icy cold i'm telling ya..........when she left the room i quickly searched around for my handphone (my eyes were covered at dat time) n took pics of myself cosi can't see wat i looked like wif a mask on so i was curious hahaha! :P

Mask n pig's nostrils......

Blue freak

Dermaline (i hope i got the spelling rite)
Since i have 2 more treatments to go..........i guess i'll be bck next week for even more tormentous treatments...........i hope its worth it............
Had a great but pricey dinner at nite n went on to visit tis furniture shop dat imports 2nd hand furniture frm 5 star hotels in spore..........had real fun picking out pieces of furniture for the new house! I can't wait to be able to design my OWN house in the future! :)