Once again, my life is boring..........hooked onto Final Fantasy 12 lately...........and that's basically the centre of my life these days........pathetic huh? To tink dat a person's life actually revolves around fictional characters in a fantasy world.............There's no doubt that there's so much more i could do wif my life............but it's either the fact dat the scorching weather these days has had an effect on my rationale or i simply refuse to move my butt onto something more fulfilling........well, i'd like to drink in all the fantasy n imagination now rather than trying to balance fantasy n reality once i enter uni.........i doubt i'll have time for my ps2 once uni starts........
I feel like meeting up wif the class again........at least i noe there's bound to be sth or someone in dat gathering dat will make me smile..........or laugh........hysterically (my trademark to sum of my frens i guess......) It's really been quite sum time since we had our last class outing.........n i dun tink time will come as abundant as it does nowadays once we enter uni (the gals n me at least.....) But still even then most of us (actually when i said "us" i mainly refer to those working, not sloppy asses like me) are kinda busy so it's hard to set a time n venue to meet up......plus the guys r in army........
I like it when ppl make me smile.........or laugh..........ok i prefer laughing..........n the same goes for the opposite..........its not easy to make ppl laugh........though i must admit i laugh very easily...........my "get-high-over-any-stupid-issue" personality seems to be part asset part liability lol............I read an article in the latest reader's digest.........and the author was talking about how rich n powerful ppl are always tinking about making a difference with wat they have........ (kinda like wat i was grumbling abt in my previous entry) And the author mentioned her own experiences when she was young and how easy it was to make a difference if we just start small.........like bringing the smiles onto the faces of the ppl around you daily..........
I mean who doesn't like to make ppl smile n laugh..........? But sumtimes we just dun do it enuf........or we tink we can't do it........cos we aint those "popular" ppl whom everyone wans to noe n make frens wif.........cos we dun speak as well as the other person does........cos we can't come up wif a witty comment dat will bring about laughter all around u..........cos we lack the outer appearance to take the place of all that we lack dats been mentioned above..........ok at least dats wat i feel frm time to time when i'm wif the class..........but i still appreciate being wif the class.......cos i noe dat even if i dun get to be the centre of attention wif my wittiness, i still get to laugh n smile when sumone else cracks a joke! :)
It's all about the company............i tink i'm wierd..........i have a kinda perverted personality hahaha..........when i'm in a totally new environment i immediately keep to myself.......it's not so much about protecting myself as compared to being REAL shy.........i tink most of my frens shud have seen dat side of my be4 cos dats exactly wat i'm like when ppl 1st get to noe me..........i do not make the 1st move........i do not try to sustain a conversation under such circumstances no matter how hard the other party is trying to prompt me.........i generally just keep to myself.........my dad once said dat such behaviour is not gonna benefit me once i enter the society..........well obviously i noe lar but dats the way i behave n its veri hard for me to change..........
However, once i get to noe ppl better, i sorta just transform into another me.........i can get pretty talkative, nosy, gossipy, getting high for no reasons of watsoever...........which is like the total opposite of wat i'm like be4 i get more familiar wif the ppl around me..........
Still, there are sum ppl whom i just can't really be frens wif........and it's not their fault.......nor issit mine i guess........as in for those ppl, we may noe each other..........we may even be in the same class studying 2gether for the past 2 years..........n yet when i'm wif them i dun feel comfortable...........why? I dunno............ There's just no common topics, n there's no click..........the feeling is just wrong..........like...........a sense of awkwardness...........ya dats the word........awkwardness..............
So..........maybe dat explains y i dun really have dat many close frens...........well frm another perspective i guess when it comes to close frens the number shud be small rite hahaha...........
I dun tink sustaining a frenship is an easy task.........relationship fades away faster than u tink........n it really takes a lot of effort frm both parties to keep it alive.........i dun noe about intimate BGR relationships but for frenships alone i'm finding it hard to keep all of them alive.......n kicking, if u will.............especially when u have frens in another country..........n u're on the other side..........sumtimes u just feel so frustrated.........n more than once had i been in a dillema...........
Ok i tink tis is wat u call being emo...........a pretty long entry out of nowhere.........well at least i wrote sumthing............so those visiting tis blog will have sth to read i guess..........
I just wish there was sth for me to look forward to..........like a class gathering or a holiday or sth...........sth..................anything............
Jordin Sparks - I Who Have Nothing
I feel like meeting up wif the class again........at least i noe there's bound to be sth or someone in dat gathering dat will make me smile..........or laugh........hysterically (my trademark to sum of my frens i guess......) It's really been quite sum time since we had our last class outing.........n i dun tink time will come as abundant as it does nowadays once we enter uni (the gals n me at least.....) But still even then most of us (actually when i said "us" i mainly refer to those working, not sloppy asses like me) are kinda busy so it's hard to set a time n venue to meet up......plus the guys r in army........
I like it when ppl make me smile.........or laugh..........ok i prefer laughing..........n the same goes for the opposite..........its not easy to make ppl laugh........though i must admit i laugh very easily...........my "get-high-over-any-stupid-issue" personality seems to be part asset part liability lol............I read an article in the latest reader's digest.........and the author was talking about how rich n powerful ppl are always tinking about making a difference with wat they have........ (kinda like wat i was grumbling abt in my previous entry) And the author mentioned her own experiences when she was young and how easy it was to make a difference if we just start small.........like bringing the smiles onto the faces of the ppl around you daily..........
I mean who doesn't like to make ppl smile n laugh..........? But sumtimes we just dun do it enuf........or we tink we can't do it........cos we aint those "popular" ppl whom everyone wans to noe n make frens wif.........cos we dun speak as well as the other person does........cos we can't come up wif a witty comment dat will bring about laughter all around u..........cos we lack the outer appearance to take the place of all that we lack dats been mentioned above..........ok at least dats wat i feel frm time to time when i'm wif the class..........but i still appreciate being wif the class.......cos i noe dat even if i dun get to be the centre of attention wif my wittiness, i still get to laugh n smile when sumone else cracks a joke! :)
It's all about the company............i tink i'm wierd..........i have a kinda perverted personality hahaha..........when i'm in a totally new environment i immediately keep to myself.......it's not so much about protecting myself as compared to being REAL shy.........i tink most of my frens shud have seen dat side of my be4 cos dats exactly wat i'm like when ppl 1st get to noe me..........i do not make the 1st move........i do not try to sustain a conversation under such circumstances no matter how hard the other party is trying to prompt me.........i generally just keep to myself.........my dad once said dat such behaviour is not gonna benefit me once i enter the society..........well obviously i noe lar but dats the way i behave n its veri hard for me to change..........
However, once i get to noe ppl better, i sorta just transform into another me.........i can get pretty talkative, nosy, gossipy, getting high for no reasons of watsoever...........which is like the total opposite of wat i'm like be4 i get more familiar wif the ppl around me..........
Still, there are sum ppl whom i just can't really be frens wif........and it's not their fault.......nor issit mine i guess........as in for those ppl, we may noe each other..........we may even be in the same class studying 2gether for the past 2 years..........n yet when i'm wif them i dun feel comfortable...........why? I dunno............ There's just no common topics, n there's no click..........the feeling is just wrong..........like...........a sense of awkwardness...........ya dats the word........awkwardness..............
So..........maybe dat explains y i dun really have dat many close frens...........well frm another perspective i guess when it comes to close frens the number shud be small rite hahaha...........
I dun tink sustaining a frenship is an easy task.........relationship fades away faster than u tink........n it really takes a lot of effort frm both parties to keep it alive.........i dun noe about intimate BGR relationships but for frenships alone i'm finding it hard to keep all of them alive.......n kicking, if u will.............especially when u have frens in another country..........n u're on the other side..........sumtimes u just feel so frustrated.........n more than once had i been in a dillema...........
Ok i tink tis is wat u call being emo...........a pretty long entry out of nowhere.........well at least i wrote sumthing............so those visiting tis blog will have sth to read i guess..........
I just wish there was sth for me to look forward to..........like a class gathering or a holiday or sth...........sth..................anything............
Jordin Sparks - I Who Have Nothing