Shocking news i guess.......The University of New South Wales in spore is closing down..........apparently they din have anuf students to keep it alive i mum heard it over the news n told me about it...............
It's actually quite a shock to me cos it's supposed to be the 1st private uni in spore n there were so many plans being made (or already made) like the present campus near tanglin there and the proposed new campus at changi which was supposed to be finished by 2009 (i can onli assume at this stage dat no construction work had been carried out yet) and all those booklets n brochures they gave us when we collected our A level results...........
So sorry to hear it kee.........dunno whether they will return you the application fees.........wait did u pay any application fees...........?
Haih i tink really the uni itself doesnt make sense cos spore so small.........i dun tink it will need so many unis..........especially when the population is expected to tone down summore with the problem of sporeans not having enuf sex to produce babies etc etc...........NUS, NTU n now we have SMU 2.........n then got another one is ermmmmmmmmm wat SIM issit? Dat one also a uni rite........? The population just ain't enuf to sustain so many unis at tis stage lar.........n i tink not enuf promotion is being done to attract ppl to UNSW..........they shud have like promoted it among JCs or poly's lor........hold talks etc..........n they shud come up wif sth different or original to attract SMU.........Open campus, american style of pedagogy, focusing more on projects than exams etc etc..........dats y they're doing so well now............
Cos i din see the news for myself so i stil dunno whether true or not............but since my mum said she saw most prob true bah...........
It's actually quite a shock to me cos it's supposed to be the 1st private uni in spore n there were so many plans being made (or already made) like the present campus near tanglin there and the proposed new campus at changi which was supposed to be finished by 2009 (i can onli assume at this stage dat no construction work had been carried out yet) and all those booklets n brochures they gave us when we collected our A level results...........
So sorry to hear it kee.........dunno whether they will return you the application fees.........wait did u pay any application fees...........?
Haih i tink really the uni itself doesnt make sense cos spore so small.........i dun tink it will need so many unis..........especially when the population is expected to tone down summore with the problem of sporeans not having enuf sex to produce babies etc etc...........NUS, NTU n now we have SMU 2.........n then got another one is ermmmmmmmmm wat SIM issit? Dat one also a uni rite........? The population just ain't enuf to sustain so many unis at tis stage lar.........n i tink not enuf promotion is being done to attract ppl to UNSW..........they shud have like promoted it among JCs or poly's lor........hold talks etc..........n they shud come up wif sth different or original to attract SMU.........Open campus, american style of pedagogy, focusing more on projects than exams etc etc..........dats y they're doing so well now............
Cos i din see the news for myself so i stil dunno whether true or not............but since my mum said she saw most prob true bah...........