"Slow Dance"
Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
Ever told your child
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say, "Hi"
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there
When you worry and hurry through your day
It is like an unopened gift
Thrown away
Life is not a race
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over
This is a poem written by a cancer-stricken kid sumwhere in the United States of America.......how true is dat i dunno......but i do noe dat i received it in my mail........sort of like a chain mail thingy? Regardless of where it came frm, the poem is very true.........so dats y i left it here be4 i go off to malacca.......
I don't get the chance
To listen to the rain
Because the traffic always
Drown it out with pain
I don't see butterflies
Nor sunrise or sunsets
Cause these things we take for granted
Are now a luxury to get
I do ask "How are you"
A million times a day
Ninety-nine hundred nine thousand and ninety-nine times
A reply is not expected anyway
When i lie in my bed
In the middle of the night
I think of the chores i did wrong
Rather than the ones i did right
I push things to a later date
As often as i could
Just to regret later
Not doing it when i should
I've let a few friendships down
They just flickered out and died
I don't want this anymore
To think back next time and sigh
So the next time we get confused
On whether we should rush or take things slow
Spend a little time thinking
Whether we're facing a friend or a foe
Treat a challenge as the latter
Don't leave it to a "tomorrow"
Face a friendship as the first
Don't let it be filled with sorrow
But the most important thing of all
Is to enjoy just who you really are
Just what you have accomplished now
Whether it's a birdie or a par
I can't think of a title for this, so we'll leave it at that....... Sumtimes its pretty much an irony rite? We're supposed to be all enthu and full of drive to go out and accomplish big stuff......but when you're in overdrive you tend to neglect the details and nuances which makes everything so special.......
Slow down.......? Or gear up.....?
Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
Ever told your child
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say, "Hi"
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there
When you worry and hurry through your day
It is like an unopened gift
Thrown away
Life is not a race
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over
This is a poem written by a cancer-stricken kid sumwhere in the United States of America.......how true is dat i dunno......but i do noe dat i received it in my mail........sort of like a chain mail thingy? Regardless of where it came frm, the poem is very true.........so dats y i left it here be4 i go off to malacca.......
I don't get the chance
To listen to the rain
Because the traffic always
Drown it out with pain
I don't see butterflies
Nor sunrise or sunsets
Cause these things we take for granted
Are now a luxury to get
I do ask "How are you"
A million times a day
Ninety-nine hundred nine thousand and ninety-nine times
A reply is not expected anyway
When i lie in my bed
In the middle of the night
I think of the chores i did wrong
Rather than the ones i did right
I push things to a later date
As often as i could
Just to regret later
Not doing it when i should
I've let a few friendships down
They just flickered out and died
I don't want this anymore
To think back next time and sigh
So the next time we get confused
On whether we should rush or take things slow
Spend a little time thinking
Whether we're facing a friend or a foe
Treat a challenge as the latter
Don't leave it to a "tomorrow"
Face a friendship as the first
Don't let it be filled with sorrow
But the most important thing of all
Is to enjoy just who you really are
Just what you have accomplished now
Whether it's a birdie or a par
I can't think of a title for this, so we'll leave it at that....... Sumtimes its pretty much an irony rite? We're supposed to be all enthu and full of drive to go out and accomplish big stuff......but when you're in overdrive you tend to neglect the details and nuances which makes everything so special.......
Slow down.......? Or gear up.....?