So........i've received 2 invitations to attend tea sessions at SMU and NTU........cos i tink once they offer u places they will organise such events to let u noe more abt the course u're taking.........SMU wan is for Economics.............den NTU wan is for Civil Engineering..........BUT WHY MUST THEY BOTH FALL ON THE SAME DAY!!!!!!????????
Both SMU and NTU are having it on a Sat actually..........SMU's starts at 3.00 pm and ends at 5.00 pm while NTU's starts frm 1.30 pm and ends at 5.00 pm..............actually when i 1st received the email frm SMU 2 days ago i din feel like going cos i noe most prob i wun be going to SMU.........den now also received email frm NTU.............
Actually if i wan to go i wud like to go for both cos i get to understand wat the course i'm taking is really all abt and since i applied for a double degree in econs n civil engineering at NUS obviously going to both allows me to get a betta idea of wat the degree programme for both courses really are and whether or not i can handle both............but den sadly the timing clashes.........i tink they all "pakat" wan lor............
If i'm really gonna choose 1, i tink i'll go for the NTU wan cos at least i took econs for A levels mar so still noe a bit of the subject lar but den civil engineering i dun have a very clear picture of everything...........
But den i dun really feel like travelling there leh..........def not SMU cos so least NTU nearer..............
Haih dunno lar very lazy to go...........and den always go alone wan so sien.............
Both SMU and NTU are having it on a Sat actually..........SMU's starts at 3.00 pm and ends at 5.00 pm while NTU's starts frm 1.30 pm and ends at 5.00 pm..............actually when i 1st received the email frm SMU 2 days ago i din feel like going cos i noe most prob i wun be going to SMU.........den now also received email frm NTU.............
Actually if i wan to go i wud like to go for both cos i get to understand wat the course i'm taking is really all abt and since i applied for a double degree in econs n civil engineering at NUS obviously going to both allows me to get a betta idea of wat the degree programme for both courses really are and whether or not i can handle both............but den sadly the timing clashes.........i tink they all "pakat" wan lor............
If i'm really gonna choose 1, i tink i'll go for the NTU wan cos at least i took econs for A levels mar so still noe a bit of the subject lar but den civil engineering i dun have a very clear picture of everything...........
But den i dun really feel like travelling there leh..........def not SMU cos so least NTU nearer..............
Haih dunno lar very lazy to go...........and den always go alone wan so sien.............