Well cos Aga mentioned about choosing Halls in her blog so i tot dat it's really abt time to start tinking about which hall to choose......... Ermmmmm basically i was gonna base my decision in terms of the distance of the halls from my faculties........but den now scared dat such a decision may not be so wise.....but den.......all of them basically have about the same facilities leh........also dunno how to choose...........
As in i've seen the rooms before so i roughly noe how big they are.......the single rooms aren't really dat big but at least it's spacious enuf.........i tink the single room is about half the size of my room at Dunman hostel.........which is in fact a 4 bedder room.........so i tink the single rooms will be comfortable............and i also dunno whether to choose single or double..........cos if i get to choose a room mate and sumone i noe is willing to share a room wif me den obviously i dun mind lar but after spending 2 years in a hostel i've realised one important thing..........and that is u will really appreciate that rare time where u have absolute privacy once u start staying together wif another 3 ppl in a room.............so i tink most prob i'll go for a single room tis time round.........
First off wud be Eusoff Hall..........ok i'll just write down the general info here n comment later.........Eusoff Hall is actually situated rite beside temasek hall and they're like rite across the road frm the FASS........and an important thing to note is dat the Engineering Faculty is just above FASS so it isn't really dat far........ermmmmm there are loads of sports facilities there rite outside the hall like basketball court n tennis court.......they have their own gym n dance studio (i tink all halls have these lor) as well as reading rooms, computer rooms etc etc.......... Their fees are also almost the same as the rest lor........ $60 for single n $40 for double........i dunno abt the fees for food (which is compulsory at ALL halls) but the total amount comes up to about $357 per semester.......... So 4 semesters a year dat wud be around $1428 i tink (dats for food onli)..... considered as cheap lar if u compare it wif rentals outside.........
Temasek Hall actually about the same as Eusoff......cos side by side mar......den fees also exactly the same..........so nth much to say lar..........just dat sumhow i just prefer Eusoff........dunno why........
Next is King Edward VII Hall.........i really dunno the exact location of this 1 but it says it overlook the prince george park.........its basically not exactly near to any of the faculties but once again u can rely on the internal shuttle bus service i guess........same kind of facilities and same room fees but since they serve food 7 days a week (the 2 above only 6 days a week) the total amount per semester amounts to $442 (for food)!!!!!!!! Dats a bit ex lor...........i mean actually i dun mind them serving us just 6 days cos if u go out rite surely u wun come bck n eat but den its compulsory to pay leh so dat means u will waste ur money lor............!!!!!!!!! Hmmmm........tis hall is not among one of my choices................
Kent Ridge Hall has once again about the same facilities wif the rest but it only has single rooms............it also serves food 6 days a week so the total fees per semester for food is $357 like the first 2..........its close to the business faculty n quite close to FASS also i tink..........but den........aiyah dunno lar.............
Raffles Hall is close to the sports n recreation centre which is good for sports buff bah haha.......i tink i've been to raffles be4..........saw the rooms there..........but i tink the hall looks a bit old haha..........or maybe it was another hall.......i dunno...........the different thing abt raffles is dat they serve 3 meals a day.......not an addition of lunch but tea..........so this pushes up the total food cost per semester to $442..........but pay attention......they still onli serve 6 days per week........i dun tink i'll appreciate the tea thingy so i guess raffles is out of the list..........
Sheares Hall boasts the cheapest fees for food at $336.60 per semester and once again they serve 6 days per week.........but den the location is near business sch.........so no use to me.........i dun tink i'll be considering Sheares also............
I guess my list is left wif either Temasek or Eusoff......haha how about being "loyal" and sticking to temasek hall hahaha!
Haih.............choose which wan..............
As in i've seen the rooms before so i roughly noe how big they are.......the single rooms aren't really dat big but at least it's spacious enuf.........i tink the single room is about half the size of my room at Dunman hostel.........which is in fact a 4 bedder room.........so i tink the single rooms will be comfortable............and i also dunno whether to choose single or double..........cos if i get to choose a room mate and sumone i noe is willing to share a room wif me den obviously i dun mind lar but after spending 2 years in a hostel i've realised one important thing..........and that is u will really appreciate that rare time where u have absolute privacy once u start staying together wif another 3 ppl in a room.............so i tink most prob i'll go for a single room tis time round.........
First off wud be Eusoff Hall..........ok i'll just write down the general info here n comment later.........Eusoff Hall is actually situated rite beside temasek hall and they're like rite across the road frm the FASS........and an important thing to note is dat the Engineering Faculty is just above FASS so it isn't really dat far........ermmmmm there are loads of sports facilities there rite outside the hall like basketball court n tennis court.......they have their own gym n dance studio (i tink all halls have these lor) as well as reading rooms, computer rooms etc etc.......... Their fees are also almost the same as the rest lor........ $60 for single n $40 for double........i dunno abt the fees for food (which is compulsory at ALL halls) but the total amount comes up to about $357 per semester.......... So 4 semesters a year dat wud be around $1428 i tink (dats for food onli)..... considered as cheap lar if u compare it wif rentals outside.........
Temasek Hall actually about the same as Eusoff......cos side by side mar......den fees also exactly the same..........so nth much to say lar..........just dat sumhow i just prefer Eusoff........dunno why........
Next is King Edward VII Hall.........i really dunno the exact location of this 1 but it says it overlook the prince george park.........its basically not exactly near to any of the faculties but once again u can rely on the internal shuttle bus service i guess........same kind of facilities and same room fees but since they serve food 7 days a week (the 2 above only 6 days a week) the total amount per semester amounts to $442 (for food)!!!!!!!! Dats a bit ex lor...........i mean actually i dun mind them serving us just 6 days cos if u go out rite surely u wun come bck n eat but den its compulsory to pay leh so dat means u will waste ur money lor............!!!!!!!!! Hmmmm........tis hall is not among one of my choices................
Kent Ridge Hall has once again about the same facilities wif the rest but it only has single rooms............it also serves food 6 days a week so the total fees per semester for food is $357 like the first 2..........its close to the business faculty n quite close to FASS also i tink..........but den........aiyah dunno lar.............
Raffles Hall is close to the sports n recreation centre which is good for sports buff bah haha.......i tink i've been to raffles be4..........saw the rooms there..........but i tink the hall looks a bit old haha..........or maybe it was another hall.......i dunno...........the different thing abt raffles is dat they serve 3 meals a day.......not an addition of lunch but tea..........so this pushes up the total food cost per semester to $442..........but pay attention......they still onli serve 6 days per week........i dun tink i'll appreciate the tea thingy so i guess raffles is out of the list..........
Sheares Hall boasts the cheapest fees for food at $336.60 per semester and once again they serve 6 days per week.........but den the location is near business sch.........so no use to me.........i dun tink i'll be considering Sheares also............
I guess my list is left wif either Temasek or Eusoff......haha how about being "loyal" and sticking to temasek hall hahaha!
Haih.............choose which wan..............