Friday, June 22, 2007 @ 8:06 PM
200 POUNDS BEAUTY RAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My goodness it's by far the best movie i've ever watched for a very very long time!!!!!!!!! It's like a must-watch lar!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again just like fantastic 4, the movie is veri concise so there's absolutely and i mean ABSOLUTELY no scenes that will bore you.....!!!!! The characters are funny, nice to oggle at and they sure pack a powerful voice wif them! The songs were wonderful and fitted in wif the movie perfectly! The story is cliched and yet touching so at the end of the day wat you get is a movie dat rawks!!!!!!!

Really lor............veri long nvr caught any good movies liao...........i tink the last such movie i saw wud probably be either Dreamgirls or maybe Fantastic 4..............but really lar tis movie rawks!!!!!!!!!! :)

I am soooooooo gonna be buying the soundtrack!!!!!!!!

And just to make sth clear, i din enjoy the movie just becos i can identify with the "fat" theme in it.............i dun tink myself as being fat when i'm not surrounded by 6 packs so call me being self-denial but dats how i survive wahahahahahaha! :P

Caught the movie at AEON tebrau city n dat place is as cold as vivo lor........!!!!!!!! Nearly froze to death in the freaking cinema though it was so much more comfortable than golden screens...........

Also bot 3 tops n 1 shorts at Jusco.......cos veri cheap of the tops onli cost RM10 lor..........i bot all 4 for a total of slightly less than RM85 so shud be around S$40.........veri veri cheap lor hahaha but den my stupid dog just destroyed the last pair of slippers i have so i still need to buy 1............n den still need to buy more shorts cos i really REALLY onli have those few..........i tink there are onli 3 shorts rite now (including the new 1 i just bot) which is fit to be worn outside the house lar.........pathetic rite............?