Sunday, June 24, 2007 @ 8:09 PM
Ok so it was a movie outing wif ks, arvin n xin yi today at marina. Watched Ocean's 13 and the movie totally rawks!!!!! I noe Ocean's 12 was kinda crappy cos the plot was really thin (though i really enjoyed watching Catherine Zeta Jones) but Ocean's 13 was really cool! Din expect much frm it initially cos there just weren't much hype surrounding it but tis time round the plot was so much better n there were loads of humour in it 2.....! Can't really decide which one i like better....11 or 13......but i did hated the villain more in 13 as compared to 11 lor though 13 doesnt boast any chio actress at all so kinda wasted lar hahaha...........!

Bought a new book again haha i guess i really noe how to spend when it comes to books...........! Wat the heck..................

And kah sing is just such an ah pek..............walks so slowly...........likes all those ah pek shoes...........n he's such a pervert hahaha as well as a one-night-stander and a chi-ko-peker WAHAHAHAHA! (ok it was meant as a joke dun take offense pls)

But seriously..........he walks so slowly.............i tink if he was gonna get his wife pregnant ar, it wud take him half a day to get the job done lar HE'S JUST TOO SLOW MAN! :p

Once again, just joking...........i'm very bored u see.............

Caught 4 movies in a week..........i take pride in dat lol...........

Next, i wanna watch transformers! And den...............still got wat shows ar......? Ohhhhhh ya harry potter.........!!!!!! Aiyah darn haven book the book yet (ok tis sounds corny.....)

So.........i'm officially going for union camp liao! Paid the money so have to go hahaha! But den seriously must buy a pair of slippers be4 i go lar or else takkan wear shoes to the beach meh......?

Next thurs have to go over again..........cos got medical checkup at NUS........haih so sien..........

Mika - Love Today