Busy busy busy.........assignments, lab reports, projects, quiz and committees..........it already seems like the exams are near the way i'm staying up till its almost morning........haih at least i'm thankful that i have no mid-terms tis time round.........
My laptop actually crashed on me a few days ago.........luckily the warranty's still there.......apparently my hardisk FAILED and had to be changed.........if not for the warranty i wonder how much i have to pay sia............but then having to reinstall everything is really such a chore..........and i lost all the new songs i downloaded.......now must do everything all over again.........arghhhhhhh..........
Recess week for 1 week! And no mid-terms! But then still got lab and assignments to finish up........nvm at least i'm heading up to KL and genting for a while wif sum frens.........
Sent the filming cameras for maintainence just now at wisma atria........den since i had to change trains at cityhall i thought i might as well visit the Singapore Biennale 2008, which is basically a visual arts exhibition that i came across in the papers and apparently is quite a nice event to catch........they had it spreaded out over 3 venues: Cityhall, Marina Bay and South Beach Development. The ticket actually cost 10 bucks but half price for students! :) And that 1 ticket allows you to visit all 3 sites too! Came with a guidebook even hahaha... But it took me DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN long to locate Cityhall lar..........i noe the mrt but the actual building took me freaking long to locate.......like almost 1 hour..........cos the padang was barricaded due to the F1 race den a lot of things was blocking my view...........arghhhhhhhhhh...............
Pics galore beneath..........!
It's actually just a map (acquired from google earth i tink) that they pasted on the entire floor! It's Singapore actually and they allow visitors to write sth on tis sticker and paste them on the floor....! I tried finding NUS or TJ but cudn't find either so i randomly pasted it on the floor near a part with the ocean hahaha :)
There were so many more of them hahaha! Dun ask me wad they represent....there were too many art pieces that i din have time to read or tink thru em......it may take a 2nd visit just to do that........
Dat light green thingy in the middle is actually a gourd...the artist spent time everyday using his hands to exert a little pressure on various parts of the gourd to form facial expressions on them! Damn cool!!!
More! My phone cam sucks at zooming so dats the best i can do.....but go see it in real life it's just located within Cityhall anyway.......
It's actually furniture bot from Ikea......the artist painted the inner parts....sort of like when you open the door you go to another world or sth liddat..... :)
A Msian piece! Merdeka at the middle means Independence by the way.....colourful but a little too malayish.....not much elements from other races.........
Compare the size of this piece on the wall with the 2 ppl down there......u get the scale......it's HUGE......and i have absolutely no idea wad it's made of......its almost like these infinite strands of play dough pasted on the wall........veri cool and eerie at the same time.....
Just pictures.......but the rest below has an anomaly within them.....see if you can spot them......
See it finally? All those pools within pools........you definitely dun get these in real life....i looked at it real close and realise they were most probably photoshopped lol........but i like the whole image......veri surreal.......
Looks like a very normal painting on the wall......? Not so.......the car actually wasn't painted on a flat wall.......it caves in at different parts so when you walk while staring at it, the car actually changes shape......! Same with the baby on the woman's back on the left side......i took a video of it but dun noe whether it's visible thru it or not.....go see it for urself......i like this 1 a lot! :)
What does this look like to u? (ignore that long strand on the right side) To me, the 1st impression was definitely moss.....and it was meant to look like moss and fungus anyway i tink........but.............IT'S MADE OF WOOL! Nothing but wool!
The coolest part is that those wool strands lead towards the ceiling and it starts to unravel itself in the morning till the whole picture presents itself nicely to you.......den in the evening it starts to pull itself up again (there's an engine in the ceiling doing that i tink) so that everything is kept..........I LIKE THE IDEA DAMN A LOT!
Well, it's actually made of this thin layer of sand on the floor, with these wire flowers placed on the entire area......!!!
It's actually this sculpture of the Alps mountains i tink.......but placed in a tank filled with water.
COS it's water leh! But the mist/fog thingy DOESN'T MOVE AT ALL!!! It's like they were fixed in that position in a thick solid gel or sth, but it's definitely fluidy fluid inside cos i can see small ripples at the top!!! But if the top does move a little, how come those fog thingy doesn't move at all???! Brownian effect leh......???!!!
I can only understand this one.....cos it's like a mixture of brow n white......so ya makes sense....the rest (including those i din take pic of) were a bit ermmmmmm........"chim" lar......
I like this effect whereby the whole room gets reflected over and over again.......but if you think that there's a mirror directly in front in this picture (so that it reflects the opposite of this room which gets reflected back etc etc), U'RE WRONG! That frame doesn't hold a mirror! in fact it's empty! That same black box u see "reflected" is actually ANOTHER BOX IN A ROOM BUILT DIRECTLY BESIDE THIS! That means the frame is just a hole there that connects the next room.......the artist purposely built the next room as a mirror image to the 1st and those "mirror frames" in the middle are all hollow.... (but the mirrors at the other end of both rooms are real, so thats how the room gets reflected)
The frame is hollow, so all the "duplicated" things you see are not reflections in fact......they are real items lol placed at the mirrored possition.........
This is actually a huge cube made out of stuff u can find collected over the years at home.......which is exactly the kind of stuff used by the artists (they are a couple).....it's all unwanted stuff collected in their house.......
Puzzles, puzzles and MORE PUZZLES!!! But they do have sth else too.......
It's actually a drawing composed of lines............which all links together right from the beginning and doesn't intercepts each other too!!!!! That means essentially the whole picture is done with just 1 single line.............. o.O
The image is actually projected on a mound of sand with the middle sunken in a bit.......so the image looks 3D instead of 2D..........
Just an old man doing nth but sitting there........wif lots of funny stuff scattered around him.......but what are they......??
They're actually soap!!!!!!!! Bars and bars of soap!!!!!!! U can't imagine the smell.......! It invades ur nostrils str8 away when u're there........
Just black pieces of paper scattered all over the floor.......for what reasons i have no idea........
I like this too.......its a swing made out of florescence tube.......and it was actually swinging too while being so bright and all......but the thing is u can't sit on it cos it's veri fragile......
Another cool item........! A seemingly very very heavy rock (it's big) with a mirror surface (metallic.....reflects light).........SUSPENDED IN AIR! I dun see any suspension plus the rock rotates constantly.........maybe it's magnet or sth.........
All in all a rather fun day actually........ok i'm really tired now so gonna go sleep........going bck tmr finally!!! :)