Sometimes I think I'm such a drama queen. I dun noe why I get taken aback by things I sort of-kinda-maybe know a little. Maybe it's cos I like to mentally block things out of my mind. I do that so often with things I am reluctant to face head on, it's becoming an extremely bad habit that gets me into an increasing amount of trouble. And it's turning me into the world's biggest procrastinator. Of epic proportions (self-mockery intended). It makes my life easier, yes. I get to block out and not think of things that stresses me out, or makes me uncomfortable. I get to avoid them for a while. But then they return to bite me with a COMBO WHORE damage.
So it took me like 2 days to finally send the reply. But in this case I'm glad I took my time. I seem to have a clearer mind as compared to ytd. Or the day before.
Just remember, if ever you realized there's sum issues between you and me, it's mostly because of me. And I mean this to anyone who knows me. Especially you, the one reading this blog right now. There's so few of you I dun even need to guess. 对朋友和家人,很多时候,我非常的自我保留。所以如果你觉得即使过了这么多年,你对我的认识还是一样浅,我必须抱歉。但,我不认为这是一个我现在就能改的习惯。所以,请再多包容我一下。
On a side note, I love meeting ppl who make me feel comfortable from the get-go. I dun normally enjoy meeting new ppl, cos there's always an awkwardness, and if you dun already know despite the repeated repeats, I abhor awkwardness. But there are some ppl out there who just allows you to feel at ease immediately. I don't think I will ever be like that. But I do like meeting such ppl.
I wanna own a book shop cum cafe one day. Random ramblings on this random night.
Asher Book ~ Try