As much as I enjoy using tumblr, I still find it more satisfying to actually pen down my thoughts here. Not that you can't do that on tumblr, but I tend to associate it more with pics than words. I seldom post and re-blog stuff on tumblr, because a.) if I wanna post stuff I would prefer it to be sth I did myself, which in turn implies a great deal of effort in picking out pics and finding inspiration and using photoshop or lightroom etc etc, which simply means time and effort that I either do not have or can't be bothered to sacrifice, and b.) I seldom come across sth that made me really REALLY wanna re-blog, and if I do re-blog sth, I have to make sure I re-blog 8 other stuff to make the total number 9 due to the layout of my tumblr.
So I finally got to my thesis today, but not before I slept and slacked and slept most of the day away. I've decided (after some discussion wif frens) that I wun be bothered to write out sth lengthy simply because most professors won't appreciate grandmother stories and they will most probably just zoom in on your results anyway, so no point describing at length the entire project when all they want are the main points.
I'm heading to the States for my grad trip. But I dun have the money.
My lose weight plans are in disarray, so I shall start jogging again soon. Hopefully tomorrow, but since I'll be in the lab the entire day tmr, and I have work on Friday, it will most probably be Saturday that I start jogging again.
When I'm at work I normally skip breakfast and lunch and only take dinner when I get back to hall.
Someone pls curb my spending habits.
I sleep like a pig these days.
Carrie Underwood ~ Mama's Song