Sunday, April 10, 2011 @ 11:26 PM
He is my new-found idol. It's amazing to watch the way he works. There doesn't seem to be any hesitation. No mistakes. No regrets. Multiple strokes with the pencil and then it's off with acrylic ink and watercolour.
What's even more amazing is me throwing away 8 years of art learning and never really retaining much, or achieving much. I love it so much, but I've never really put in enough to bring me up a level or two.
Maybe that was because I lacked something like this to give me that punch in the stomach. I mean, my teachers were really really good back when I was learning art at that private academy. When they really sit down and create something, they were amazing. But the problem is, they never really did that enough. I almost never witnessed them at work, only aiding us with ours. And that's completely different, working on something you call your own as compared to helping someone else with theirs.
These videos, however, just blew me away.
And time is really running out. The luxury to just sit down and spend time chasing something you enjoy doing and getting progressively good at it is no longer going to be much of an option.
Never take time for granted. We do that so easily, it scares me sometimes. They're so insubstantial, practically non-existent in terms of the senses we possess. And their fleeting existence dictates our lives, whether you like it or not.
I like to research. And I like to draw. Combining both is my ultimate desire, and an ephemeral dream at the moment.