1 chapter closes, another begins?
I have a feeling people begrudge me for the decisions I've made in my life so far. I think it's because I'm too nonchalant.
I do not know why I can be so nonchalant about life as a whole.
My friend and course mate who has transitioned from a contractor firm to a reputable consultant firm and finally embarking on his entrepreneurship by starting his own headhunter company once expressed disbelief at me when he asked what my goals in life were and how I intended to achieve them, in which I proceeded to calmly answer 'I don't know (and to be honest I really don't care at this point of my life)'.
Is it just me? Am I the only mid-twenties guy out there who just doesn't have enough fucks to give in his life to care about what the future holds for him?
Why must I know where I am (or will be) 5 years down the road? I didn't know I would be majoring in Civil Engineering when I was in JC, neither did I imagined I would be doing my A-Levels in Singapore when I was still attending secondary school, so why the expectations now? Did shit come raining down on me and my education ladder just because I didn't give a spinning flying fuck back then?
I don't see myself (at all) 5 years down the road because I know decisions come to me as and when I want them to. Seldom do I come to a decision through endless thinking and pondering and worrying and calculating and measuring and discussing and debating and reminiscing. I pretty much make impromptu decisions all the time. How is that gonna help me envision where my path lies 5 years later?
Life is a journey, and it is meaningless. The journey is to be experienced, to be savored, to be enjoyed (or despaired at) for as long as you're on it. The conclusion, once reached, seldom matters, and when it's at an end you probably won't be able to fully recall the journey itself anyway.
Many things in life hold very little significance to me. That's probably why I'm so nonchalant all the time. Or maybe it's just the other way round.
See? I don't care.
Why? Cos it doesn't matter.
Really? Really.
I have a limited number of fucks to give. Right now, I just don't give a fuck.
I have a feeling people begrudge me for the decisions I've made in my life so far. I think it's because I'm too nonchalant.
I do not know why I can be so nonchalant about life as a whole.
My friend and course mate who has transitioned from a contractor firm to a reputable consultant firm and finally embarking on his entrepreneurship by starting his own headhunter company once expressed disbelief at me when he asked what my goals in life were and how I intended to achieve them, in which I proceeded to calmly answer 'I don't know (and to be honest I really don't care at this point of my life)'.
Is it just me? Am I the only mid-twenties guy out there who just doesn't have enough fucks to give in his life to care about what the future holds for him?
Why must I know where I am (or will be) 5 years down the road? I didn't know I would be majoring in Civil Engineering when I was in JC, neither did I imagined I would be doing my A-Levels in Singapore when I was still attending secondary school, so why the expectations now? Did shit come raining down on me and my education ladder just because I didn't give a spinning flying fuck back then?
I don't see myself (at all) 5 years down the road because I know decisions come to me as and when I want them to. Seldom do I come to a decision through endless thinking and pondering and worrying and calculating and measuring and discussing and debating and reminiscing. I pretty much make impromptu decisions all the time. How is that gonna help me envision where my path lies 5 years later?
Life is a journey, and it is meaningless. The journey is to be experienced, to be savored, to be enjoyed (or despaired at) for as long as you're on it. The conclusion, once reached, seldom matters, and when it's at an end you probably won't be able to fully recall the journey itself anyway.
Many things in life hold very little significance to me. That's probably why I'm so nonchalant all the time. Or maybe it's just the other way round.
See? I don't care.
Why? Cos it doesn't matter.
Really? Really.
I have a limited number of fucks to give. Right now, I just don't give a fuck.