Happy browsing..........
Not really in the mood to elaborate much here.....still feeling the left-over fatigues frm the 8-9 hour bus ride.......and have to go to malacca str8 away later for Qing Ming....so it's like another 2 1/2 hour car ride........i tink i'm getting sick of such road travels.........
I dun tink my internet speed here allows me to upload any pics into blogger.......or it may just be blogger being such a bitch again.........i DID upload all my pics into my yahoo album cos dat was the onli other alternative available.......i'm trying to figure out how to let outsiders view n retrieve pics frm there so pls be patient.......
The USP dateline is on monday........does dat mean dat i can still submit my application on monday itself? I'm inundated wif enuf stuff lately dat the redang trip was the onli thing that provided me with a getaway opportunity frm all those frustrations.....but now it's bck to all of those things again.......i sincerely hope the "Qian" i acquired frm the temple tells the truth..........
Sometimes there are things in life that are just considered as de rigueur......whether u find these things in friendship or ur daily life. Then there are the very same things u just cannot bring urself to commit to the usual protocol....though they may be within ur capabilities to do so......i'm afraid i'm stuck in one such quagmire now......it's a dillema.....but wat's life without one or two of such frustrating events..?
And i dun tink i'll ever get bored of this song......
The Fray ~ Over My Head
Haih......1st time missed a brudderhood outing.....i tink they're gonna sack me......
By the way, here's sum disgusting pics of myself after a haircut.......pls dun eat whie u're reading/watching this.....i will not be responsible for anything dat happens to u if u do not heed my warning.......
Blogger's being a bitch today.......i can't upload a single thing.....i can't even upload the pics into my frenster acc...........
This sucks...........
I tink i'll try it again later.........
Ok the onli reason why all above is in caps is becos i'm too excited n nervous abt tmr........it may sound stupid n silly but hey u guyz noe i've nvr had a proper hairstyle be4........and the centre parting i had for the A/O Chinese exams in 05 DOES NOT COUNT!!! Dat will be my greatest fashion disaster in my entire life........
And the onli reason why i'm suddenly so enthusiastic abt driving is becos Kee n Yao Kuang have been ferrying me ard all the time wif their driving skills..........HOW THE HELL CAN I LOSE OUT TO THEM MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So......whenever we're going out (refering to me n my family) i would volunteer to drive........practise makes perfect........i hope dat's true.......cos i've been practising a lot these days.......the onli REAL prob is still the reversing out frm my house.....i dunno why......
I'm tinking of opting for a double degree in eng n business too nowadays.......also tinking of taking up a double degree in econs n business management in SMU cos i'm seriously considering SMU now........haih........
I'm out of any good songs latey.......the onli one i can tink of now is sth by Rainie Yang cos dats the 片尾曲 for 恶魔在身边.......and i'm kinda addicted wif dat show now.....they're actually shooting the sequel to it so looking forward to dat 2!!!!!!!!
杨丞琳 ~ 曖昧
Din really feel like applying for SMU initially..but did aneway when i received dat invitation.....den after today's talk SMU begin to seem like a rather good choice too.....basically their biggest attraction would be the small number of students they receive annually.....so basically that would have LOADS of advantages...!! 1stly, small classroom size......i tink i'll appreciate dat a lot.......Den, smaller number of students mean less competition for so many important stuff like scholarships and the opportunity to go for overseas trips....!!! Basically their ratio is like 1 out of 9 freshmen into SMU wud get a scholarship.....for sum faculties the ratio is even as absurd as 1 out of 5......!!! And THEIR SCHOLARSHIPS (a few of them) CARRY NO FREAKING BOND!!!!!!!!
I tink i'll have to consider things carefully.....well the truth is dat i may not even get into SMU but if i do......do i wanna study there? Is it necessarilly not as good as other unis just because it is new...? Cos i tot instead of being a disadvantage, being relatively new in tis industry wud mean additional motivation to carve out a name for the uni and set the brand so dat when ppl look at the words SMU they will noe it's respectable n reputable though it's a newcomer.....
N there will be loads of internship chances.......no need to fight for them.....haih how now.......initial plans all disrupted liao.......chicken........
My driving is still kinda rusty.....i mean on main roads im still ok but simple stuff like reversing out of my house gives me a headache........seriously........
And i drove w/o bringing my license wif me today hahaha......luckily the cops din catch me sia lol! :)
Gonna be watching another 4 or 5 more episodes of "Devil Beside Me"........I'm hooked onto it liao......den tmr must FINISH my freakin USP essay n submit it....cos there's no time liao since i'll be out for the whole of next week.....haih.......
黄义达~ 臭男人
Din really feel like going initially....cos need to spend money again.....den wasn't exactly in the mood to go.....BUT cos i realised dat this was gonna be like the last time i'm able to set off on a holiday with this bunch of friends.....and i've nvr been to Redang before aneway......My bro did n he said it was nice...! Hahaha actually all that apprehensiveness was basically due to the fact dat i REFUSE to take off my shirt even when we're at the beach......but i guess my frens may have another opinion for dat.......
Well...........dun leave room for regrets..........that's sth i'm trying to live by right now.....not exactly easy.....more like easier said than done but heck, wat isn't? So........i'll try to return bck my parents the money if i can.....not gonna be easy but heck such opportunities dun come by easily!
Looking forward to the trip actually! Wanna take lotsa pics to put here hahaha! Myabe u'll find a half-naked me in 1 of them.....but pls dun look at it while u're eating hor......dun say i din warn u lar...!
Bond ~ Duel
It felt almost as if my troubles would go away
Well if you wanna know, they didn't actually
Stuck in my head, still they did you see.
Sometimes things are more complicated than we think
Though as much as we would like to see them sing
Sing a tune of simplicity, sing a tune of hope
Sing a tune of melody, one that makes me float
Float to a dimension of relativity, where comparison is naught
Only then will people see, all things are an equal lot
Once you tear down that fake facade, you'll find the solution you sought
Since the beginning of the problem, in which impossible to solve you thought.
Now it's time to drown myself in all my worries
After writing this poem, which has nothing to do with it
All that it helps is to relief me of some pain
Which i gather unknowingly, while i'm still awake and sane.
Down come the raindrops, down on my head
Someday i hope to see all my troubles dead
Buried six feet under, in an unknown grave
Never to be uncovered, till my dying day.
S.H.E. ~ 我们怎么了
People often wonder whether or not i care
The size of my hips, the style of my hair
They often overlook
The things that I share
I say
Take a look in my heart
Do you see what I see
Someone who doesn't give a damn
To who you think he should be
I'm a person
Phenomenal person
That's me.
Shrouded in mystery, keeping to himself
Is that guy alright? Everyone doubts
Why doesn't he mix around with us
And join in the laughter and shouts
I say
It's only my first 3 months
I'm not too good with people
I lack the self-confidence
It's hard to make me sizzle
I'm a person
Phenomenal person
That's me.
3 months later, the ice starts to break
People start to ask, "What happened to that guy, you said?"
"Wasn't he someone.....
Who came from the Stone-Age?"
I say
It's time that i really need
To break that fake facade
To reveal what's really beneath
All that masquerade
I'm a person
Phenomenal person
That's me
So now it's really clear why you often see
A boy who sticks to himself quite abnormally
It's definitely not because
He's proud and unfriendly
I say
Go ahead and get acquainted
There's nothing much to lose
But when things do start to pick up
You're on a new friendship cruise!
'Cause he's a person
Phenomenal person
That's him.
(Adapted from the poem "Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou)
~ http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/phenomenal-woman/ ~
Mariah Carey ~ Make It Happen
梁静茹~ 亲亲
张惠妹 ~ 我要快乐
Aneway........got a new optical mouse to replace the laosy old one.......n it's working brilliantly!!! Love it!!!
Haven got around writting dat stupid USP essay thingy.......haih sienz.........
Aneway congrats to all STPMers u guyz did great! :)
John Mayor ~ Waiting On The World To Change
I'm not saying everything abt the movie sucks......the story is touching yes that i concede (it IS an adaptation frm a bestseller after all.......) but the story itself can hardly be enuf to be stretched into a 2 hour long movie..........u'll find loads of empty promises when u watch the preview first then the movie.......I guess ultimately tis movie falls short in explaining all the nuances........it's not easy to portray sensitive and delicate relationships through a movie....let alone when u're relying on child actors........words often make a much better substitute here.....at the end of the day, just another memoirs of a geisha i guess........
300 wasn't so bad........i mean the story may be exageratted by quite a bit but overall it was enjoyable........but i think it wud have been much better if they cud just include sum greek mythology inside......not just a slight brush on the surface.........a little bit more element of fantasy should make things just right........
Aneone received invitation to go SMU next thurs?
Nelly Furtado ~ Say It Right
Sometimes i wish i have the guts to say some things to sum ppl......to do something at that moment that has since left me behind.......and all i get..........is more and more regrets..........
SMU tea session next thursday.........i dunno what to expect.........but i'm tired.......
Dixie Chicks ~ Not Ready To Make Nice
Avril Lavigne ~ Keep Holding On
Actually, i've only just realised wat Chingay is REALLY all abt when i watched the entire parade frm beginning to end ytd near the post office........n IT WAS GREAT!!! Basically our Chingay Parade is just a parade to bless the whole of JB by inviting the 5 gods of diff clans to come out.......and they are of course accompanied by other diff gods (of lower ranks i tink...?) and also many performances......... The 5 clans would be Hainan, Cantonese, Hakka, Hokien and Teochew......The performers would be divided according to the clans they represent and each clan will walk in their own group.....Performers will open the way with their performance and then the ppl carrying the god's statue in a mini seden will be behind them.......they will stop at diff parts of the journey to perform n for the ppl carrying the god in his seden, they will start to shake the seden sideways (left to right) in a very violent manner while all others (including me) will shout "Huat ar!!!!!!!" That's always the climax lar and many ppl would vie to touch or help carry the seden cos that's a veri impt n sacred job i tink.....! Loads of impressive performance, mostly traditional ones like Lion Dance (many diff versions), Dragon Dance, Big Dolls (those wearing a headware like a doll), Big Flags (those ultra big flags with THICK poles), ppl on stilts, traditional dance with chinese fans and many more.....but there were also some modern performance like Line Dance too.......!
The Hokien entourage was the longest...i tink there were 10 or 11 groups of performances be4 i finally saw the seden arriving......so once again i shouted "HUAT AR!!!!!!!!" (it has now become my favourite motto........HUAT AR!!!!!!!) But then when the last god arrived (the teochew one) there was this round cylinder flag behind it and the seden was not allowed to be shaken like the first 4........cos Kee said that the god was either the most impt one or it was becos the temple frm where the procession began was a teochew temple so the god must be given even more respect!
I stood there n watched the whole procession frm ard 8.30 pm to 12.30 am so my legs were REALLY numb by the time we finished watching! Some pics below:
~ Lion dance..........
~ Crowd gathering be4 the parade started.....
~ More crowds............
~ Dragon Dance....the climax is always when they start spinning the dragon in circles...pretty!
~ The big container thingy for the joss sticks.....there's the name of the God on it though i can't remember which clan it belongs to....either Cantonese or Hakka......
~ More dragon dance.........
~ Hua Che......i dunno wat u call them in English hahaha.........
~ More lion dance again.........
~ One of the 5 God's sedens......i tink this one belongs to the Cantonese clan...the 2nd one to appear that night........
~ One of the few varieties of Lion Dances.......
~ Same one as above.........
~ Big Dolls.....they're cute AND talented...i saw 2 doing breakdance on the road....with full costume on!!!!!
~ This should be the third God to appear in the seden....i tink it belongs to the Hakka clan...
~ This one is the last one to appear...the most impt one cos u're not supposed to shake the seden.....it belongs to the Teochew Clan........
~ 4th God to appear.......it belongs to the Hokien clan which i'm from....dats why i prayed especially hard hahaha.....!
~ The longest dragon of the nite.....i tink it's equivalent to like 9 or 10 normal dragons.....u shud see it when they start spinning the dragon....magnificent!!! :)
~ Traditional chinese fan dance....?
~ Another traditional item - Big Flags (i dunno wat u call it in english lar...we just call it Da Qi in chinese......)
~ The onli sweet i got frm the entire nite hahaha......cos they always give out ang paos n candys during chingay but normally onli kids ask for them (and they usually give out to kids aneway...) but a small girl gave me this w/o me asking so i just took it......it's a BLESSING!!!!!! :)
It's been 2 years since i last saw Chingay in JB and this time i watched it ALL! Definitely an experience to be remembered! Man i'm so proud be part of such tradition and cultural heritage lar!!! Normally the Johor Royal family will also come down and watch but of course they get to sit comfortably near City Square there lor.........
I wanna particiapate in it next year!!! Must ask Kee n the rest to bring me in hahaha! :)
Oh ya i took short clips of a few nice scenes during Chingay n to save space in my phone i uploaded them into youtube....there's one showing the scene where they shook the God's seden and everyone shouting "HUAT AR!!!!!" ! :) Enjoy!
Zhang Hui Mei ~ Ji De
NUS fared much better in organising their open house........there were signs to direct u everywhere and it was just so much more happening!!! The talks given were basically helpful too and the exhibition was so much better than NTU's.........
Met and saw loads of TJians as well as old frens there, both msians n sporeans......! Ermmm let's see........i saw Xin Ying, Weldon, Cai Yun, Zhi Yong, Wern Lie, Jason, Edwin and a former EC senior whom i can't recall his name......i even saw Iwan n Nico lar! Pity i din cross path wif Bharat or Aga n her grp though.......i tink dat's cos we were a little late when we finally arrived at NUS cos we spent most of our morning n afternoon at NTU haha......!
Here's a few pics:
~ University Scholars Programme talk at NUS.....
~ NUS's exhibition hall......packed n lively.....n helpful too....hahaha am i being biased here...?
~ The engineering talk at NUS...the speaker sounds like Frankie Foo and looks like Lim Yu Beng.....i would fail my course if he's my lecturer cos i would be laughing like a retard in every class......
Finally........after listening to the engineering talk which was the last one of the day, we headed bck for home, but not be4 stopping at Causeway Point for dinner since me n Kee plan to watch Chingay........
I tink i'll continue my Chingay experience in another entry...... :)
~ Another neighbour's....both kinda cottage like....in a malaysian style...

~ Hibiscus! :) National flower...!
Mariah Carey ~ Bringing on the Heartbreak

~ Make-shift kitchen.......for the workers....


~ My dad in the master bedroom.....
Mariah Carey ~ Against All Odds
Yup..........u can even feel it here in jb.......my dad's office kena evacuated.......same thing for the entire plaze pelangi.......hmmph........seems like the 1st time such a thing happened in jb.........
Now no mood to apply for anything liao......i need to get into overdrive man........
Jennifer Hudson ~ And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
I really hate all those application procedures lar.........the worst is sum uni applications STILL ASK U TO WRITE ESSAYS LAR I MEAN COME ON!!!!!!!!
Man.........luckily for the NUS one, the procedure has been simplified and shortened for us cos MOE already has most of the information in its database so dat saves me a lot of trouble.......
Hmmph......basically I've just applied for NUS and NTU today....wasn't going to initially but was just checking out to see when the application is open and since it was open today i just went on to complete the registration form.......NTU's a lot more troublesome cos u have to write short essays........
For the ASEAN scholarship award, the procedure differs for NUS and NTU......for NUS u dun have to apply.....they will automatically consider you for the scholarship once u register........but for NTU there's another seperate form to be completed and it involves more essay writing BUT THE QUESTIONS REMAIN THE SAME!!!!!!!! They only give you 2 options and they repeat themselves for the uni application form and the schoalrship application form........so in order to avoid repeating myself i chose option A for the 1st and B for the latter........
And the application for ASEAN scholarship through NTU requires a pic in digital file........n i dunno how to get it done outside cos they requested passport size.......so i just took my phone n adjusted to the smallest pic size n took my own pic hahaha it was hilarious!!!!! I look SOOOOOOOOOO ugly in the pic but i cudn't really care cos it's such a hassle to get it done outside.......!
Went to the Australian uni exhibition durin noon at puteri pacific hotel......was there early so wasn't really crowded though there were visibly more ppl later........registered at Melbourne U and West Australian U (i tink it's in Perth...) cos the others i wasn't really interested and the high-and-mighty ANU din set up a booth there.........hmmph.......i tink i'll go check out ANU's site later and see how things goes........cos registering today allow me to have me registration fees waived.......but the IDP ppl told me ANU refuse to waive those fees so even if they set a booth there u stil need to pay.........stuck-up snobs..........
Can consider myself as being busy today lar hahaha cos kept doin the registration things......den must go n pay those fees too........luckily for NUS n NTU can use ATM to pay.......
Haven really tot abt other scholarships cos i doubt my chances but to avoid regreting my stupid actions in e future i shall start to apply for a few frm tonite onwards or maybe tmr morning be4 i set off to malacca........
Oh ya........Melbourne U no longer offers any double degrees.........and frm 2008 onwards they will not be offering sum of their engineering courses while the remaining ones will be phased out soon too.......cos the person-in-charged told me dat instead of doin a double degree for econs n engineering (in my case) u can do a normal econs degree for 3 years den proceed on to do masters for engineering (2 years) so it adds up to he same 5 years u spend for a double degree.......n u r still recognized as a professional engineer with a masters degree........but i dun really understand y dey wanna phase out engineering degrees n offer them onli at the masters level..........luckily for me civil eng wasn't one of the many being phased out yet.....n dat onli take place in 2008 aneway so for now it's safe to apply for any eng courses there........pity they dun have double-degrees though.........
But the fees at Melbourne U really quite ex........west australia u cheaper.......by like 4000 aussie.........dats a lot........
Haih no time to write more.....must go feed puppy........write more later lar......
Celine Dion ~ To Love You More