I am very sad...........ok actually i am EXTREMELY sad...........cos i missed a chance to eat bak chor mee...........WIF THE CLASS SUMMORE..............veri sad...........so sad............
It's not just about the food..............fine i admit i really missed the bak chor mee in spore..........esp the one dat i noe the class will be eating...........cos we dun get bak chor mee here in msia..........at least not in jb............but more importantly it's about the company.............
Can we like have another outing soon.................n pls dun make it at nite leh........already the venue is always around the east coast area which is like EXTREMELY far away from my 1st stop in spore, which is kranji.......i have to take like almost 2 hours worth of mrt just to get to bedok.........summore put it at nite.......den must ma fan others to stay over at their house if i go for the outing.............haih...........dats y i said be4 lor...........sumtimes really hard to maintain friendship..........summore across the causeway leh............so hard to meet up.............haih..........why cant they stay at woodlands or sth............lol...............
Ok i'm gonna go cry in frustration..............den watch Ocean's Eleven...........n hope dat my mood gets better...............
It's not just about the food..............fine i admit i really missed the bak chor mee in spore..........esp the one dat i noe the class will be eating...........cos we dun get bak chor mee here in msia..........at least not in jb............but more importantly it's about the company.............
Can we like have another outing soon.................n pls dun make it at nite leh........already the venue is always around the east coast area which is like EXTREMELY far away from my 1st stop in spore, which is kranji.......i have to take like almost 2 hours worth of mrt just to get to bedok.........summore put it at nite.......den must ma fan others to stay over at their house if i go for the outing.............haih...........dats y i said be4 lor...........sumtimes really hard to maintain friendship..........summore across the causeway leh............so hard to meet up.............haih..........why cant they stay at woodlands or sth............lol...............
Ok i'm gonna go cry in frustration..............den watch Ocean's Eleven...........n hope dat my mood gets better...............
Once again, my life is boring..........hooked onto Final Fantasy 12 lately...........and that's basically the centre of my life these days........pathetic huh? To tink dat a person's life actually revolves around fictional characters in a fantasy world.............There's no doubt that there's so much more i could do wif my life............but it's either the fact dat the scorching weather these days has had an effect on my rationale or i simply refuse to move my butt onto something more fulfilling........well, i'd like to drink in all the fantasy n imagination now rather than trying to balance fantasy n reality once i enter uni.........i doubt i'll have time for my ps2 once uni starts........
I feel like meeting up wif the class again........at least i noe there's bound to be sth or someone in dat gathering dat will make me smile..........or laugh........hysterically (my trademark to sum of my frens i guess......) It's really been quite sum time since we had our last class outing.........n i dun tink time will come as abundant as it does nowadays once we enter uni (the gals n me at least.....) But still even then most of us (actually when i said "us" i mainly refer to those working, not sloppy asses like me) are kinda busy so it's hard to set a time n venue to meet up......plus the guys r in army........
I like it when ppl make me smile.........or laugh..........ok i prefer laughing..........n the same goes for the opposite..........its not easy to make ppl laugh........though i must admit i laugh very easily...........my "get-high-over-any-stupid-issue" personality seems to be part asset part liability lol............I read an article in the latest reader's digest.........and the author was talking about how rich n powerful ppl are always tinking about making a difference with wat they have........ (kinda like wat i was grumbling abt in my previous entry) And the author mentioned her own experiences when she was young and how easy it was to make a difference if we just start small.........like bringing the smiles onto the faces of the ppl around you daily..........
I mean who doesn't like to make ppl smile n laugh..........? But sumtimes we just dun do it enuf........or we tink we can't do it........cos we aint those "popular" ppl whom everyone wans to noe n make frens wif.........cos we dun speak as well as the other person does........cos we can't come up wif a witty comment dat will bring about laughter all around u..........cos we lack the outer appearance to take the place of all that we lack dats been mentioned above..........ok at least dats wat i feel frm time to time when i'm wif the class..........but i still appreciate being wif the class.......cos i noe dat even if i dun get to be the centre of attention wif my wittiness, i still get to laugh n smile when sumone else cracks a joke! :)
It's all about the company............i tink i'm wierd..........i have a kinda perverted personality hahaha..........when i'm in a totally new environment i immediately keep to myself.......it's not so much about protecting myself as compared to being REAL shy.........i tink most of my frens shud have seen dat side of my be4 cos dats exactly wat i'm like when ppl 1st get to noe me..........i do not make the 1st move........i do not try to sustain a conversation under such circumstances no matter how hard the other party is trying to prompt me.........i generally just keep to myself.........my dad once said dat such behaviour is not gonna benefit me once i enter the society..........well obviously i noe lar but dats the way i behave n its veri hard for me to change..........
However, once i get to noe ppl better, i sorta just transform into another me.........i can get pretty talkative, nosy, gossipy, getting high for no reasons of watsoever...........which is like the total opposite of wat i'm like be4 i get more familiar wif the ppl around me..........
Still, there are sum ppl whom i just can't really be frens wif........and it's not their fault.......nor issit mine i guess........as in for those ppl, we may noe each other..........we may even be in the same class studying 2gether for the past 2 years..........n yet when i'm wif them i dun feel comfortable...........why? I dunno............ There's just no common topics, n there's no click..........the feeling is just wrong..........like...........a sense of awkwardness...........ya dats the word........awkwardness..............
So..........maybe dat explains y i dun really have dat many close frens...........well frm another perspective i guess when it comes to close frens the number shud be small rite hahaha...........
I dun tink sustaining a frenship is an easy task.........relationship fades away faster than u tink........n it really takes a lot of effort frm both parties to keep it alive.........i dun noe about intimate BGR relationships but for frenships alone i'm finding it hard to keep all of them alive.......n kicking, if u will.............especially when u have frens in another country..........n u're on the other side..........sumtimes u just feel so frustrated.........n more than once had i been in a dillema...........
Ok i tink tis is wat u call being emo...........a pretty long entry out of nowhere.........well at least i wrote sumthing............so those visiting tis blog will have sth to read i guess..........
I just wish there was sth for me to look forward to..........like a class gathering or a holiday or sth...........sth..................anything............
Jordin Sparks - I Who Have Nothing
I feel like meeting up wif the class again........at least i noe there's bound to be sth or someone in dat gathering dat will make me smile..........or laugh........hysterically (my trademark to sum of my frens i guess......) It's really been quite sum time since we had our last class outing.........n i dun tink time will come as abundant as it does nowadays once we enter uni (the gals n me at least.....) But still even then most of us (actually when i said "us" i mainly refer to those working, not sloppy asses like me) are kinda busy so it's hard to set a time n venue to meet up......plus the guys r in army........
I like it when ppl make me smile.........or laugh..........ok i prefer laughing..........n the same goes for the opposite..........its not easy to make ppl laugh........though i must admit i laugh very easily...........my "get-high-over-any-stupid-issue" personality seems to be part asset part liability lol............I read an article in the latest reader's digest.........and the author was talking about how rich n powerful ppl are always tinking about making a difference with wat they have........ (kinda like wat i was grumbling abt in my previous entry) And the author mentioned her own experiences when she was young and how easy it was to make a difference if we just start small.........like bringing the smiles onto the faces of the ppl around you daily..........
I mean who doesn't like to make ppl smile n laugh..........? But sumtimes we just dun do it enuf........or we tink we can't do it........cos we aint those "popular" ppl whom everyone wans to noe n make frens wif.........cos we dun speak as well as the other person does........cos we can't come up wif a witty comment dat will bring about laughter all around u..........cos we lack the outer appearance to take the place of all that we lack dats been mentioned above..........ok at least dats wat i feel frm time to time when i'm wif the class..........but i still appreciate being wif the class.......cos i noe dat even if i dun get to be the centre of attention wif my wittiness, i still get to laugh n smile when sumone else cracks a joke! :)
It's all about the company............i tink i'm wierd..........i have a kinda perverted personality hahaha..........when i'm in a totally new environment i immediately keep to myself.......it's not so much about protecting myself as compared to being REAL shy.........i tink most of my frens shud have seen dat side of my be4 cos dats exactly wat i'm like when ppl 1st get to noe me..........i do not make the 1st move........i do not try to sustain a conversation under such circumstances no matter how hard the other party is trying to prompt me.........i generally just keep to myself.........my dad once said dat such behaviour is not gonna benefit me once i enter the society..........well obviously i noe lar but dats the way i behave n its veri hard for me to change..........
However, once i get to noe ppl better, i sorta just transform into another me.........i can get pretty talkative, nosy, gossipy, getting high for no reasons of watsoever...........which is like the total opposite of wat i'm like be4 i get more familiar wif the ppl around me..........
Still, there are sum ppl whom i just can't really be frens wif........and it's not their fault.......nor issit mine i guess........as in for those ppl, we may noe each other..........we may even be in the same class studying 2gether for the past 2 years..........n yet when i'm wif them i dun feel comfortable...........why? I dunno............ There's just no common topics, n there's no click..........the feeling is just wrong..........like...........a sense of awkwardness...........ya dats the word........awkwardness..............
So..........maybe dat explains y i dun really have dat many close frens...........well frm another perspective i guess when it comes to close frens the number shud be small rite hahaha...........
I dun tink sustaining a frenship is an easy task.........relationship fades away faster than u tink........n it really takes a lot of effort frm both parties to keep it alive.........i dun noe about intimate BGR relationships but for frenships alone i'm finding it hard to keep all of them alive.......n kicking, if u will.............especially when u have frens in another country..........n u're on the other side..........sumtimes u just feel so frustrated.........n more than once had i been in a dillema...........
Ok i tink tis is wat u call being emo...........a pretty long entry out of nowhere.........well at least i wrote sumthing............so those visiting tis blog will have sth to read i guess..........
I just wish there was sth for me to look forward to..........like a class gathering or a holiday or sth...........sth..................anything............
Jordin Sparks - I Who Have Nothing
ok............my life is pretty much nth but ps2 games lately..........there's nth to look forward to.........and there's nth going on.............
Just heard over the tv dat the Miss Universe 2007 is Miss Japan! Ok i caught a brief glance of her on tv and she wasn't exactly as pretty as last year's Miss Japan, who in my humble opinion OUGHT TO WIN IN THE BLOODY FIRST PLACE! Den all of a sudden they gave it to THIS YEAR'S Miss Japan..........is dat some sort of compensation or sth? Last year's Miss Japan was just gorgeous........a mixture of elegance n sexiness........tis year's wan ar............i wud say a mixture of elegance n kawainess.........so i still prefer last year's one............
Ok enuf of random bullshit which aint gonna affect any facets of my life............
Here's just a sudden note: Congrats to meimei for finally making up her mind on SMU biz sch! Hahahaha :)
Shrek 3 opens tmr!!!!!!!! Kee u wanna go watch wif me again? Hahaha cos ar my new house the progress is getting on pretty well...........so i tink at most we onli need another 3 weeks to 1 month.............i tink by next week the paint may even be ready too so i may be able to move in in less than 2 weeks...........den by dat time if i have no car available it's gonna be quite difficult to watch movies wif u cos cannot ask u go all the way there n pick me mar lol.........so must take tis opp to watch as many movies as possible be4 i move away haha!
Bck to my life..............which is just boring.............actually i really hope to be given sum special extraordinary powers..........destructive powers..........like being able to control the weather............than whenever i come across sum fucking issues dat makes my blood boil in the news or thru the papers, i can really kick sum asses...........like threathen to blanket USA in snow n blizzard if they dun sign the Kyoto Protocol n cut down on their carbon dioxide emmission...........or send twisters n tornadoes to China if they continue their mistreatment n apathetic attitude towards their wild animals.....like how they treat their tigers n their plans to make farming tiger parts LEGAL..............and bring about a continuos drought to Brazil if they continue to clear away the Amazon forest.............and flood Iran if they continue their stupid war..........n bring about tsunamis to North Korea if they remain so fucking stubborn...........n send a bolt of lightning down on dat fucking car who stubbornly refuses to put his signal when he makes dat turn while i'm patiently waiting to turn out.............n summon down rings of fire to those Mat Rempits.............
Isn't it a perfect irony dat people wif the power to accomplish things never or seldom exercise dat power in issues we deem relevent.............? How i wud like to just smack their asses n make them wake up to see just wat kind of a world we r in right now............i refuse to die in 25 year's time due to a lack of edible food or drinkable water, rising temperatures, rising sea levels or an outbreak of epidemic due to the activities of those who do not take responsibility for them rite now...........!!! If i were to die of lung cancer, i refuse to do so becos sum fucking idiots are making millions while generating hazardous gases thru their factories...........If i were to die of rising temperatures, i refuse to do so becos sum fucking major power country refuses to sign the Kyoto Protocol..............If i were to drown in rising sea levels i refuse to do so unless i just happened to be snorkelling at Pulau Redang n accidentally knocked my head on a coral..........If i were to die i wud like it to be due to my OWN actions...........or unless old age takes me..........not because of sumone else's actions.............!
Ok i'm being grouchy for no reason of watsoever..........n i tot i had nth to write.......
Watever.........let's just pray dat tmr's newspaper will have less issues that makes our blood boil or render us heartbroken as compared to today's...................
I'm an atheist...........so i dun noe whom to pray to..............but i'm still praying............
Jordin Sparks - Wishing On A Star
Just heard over the tv dat the Miss Universe 2007 is Miss Japan! Ok i caught a brief glance of her on tv and she wasn't exactly as pretty as last year's Miss Japan, who in my humble opinion OUGHT TO WIN IN THE BLOODY FIRST PLACE! Den all of a sudden they gave it to THIS YEAR'S Miss Japan..........is dat some sort of compensation or sth? Last year's Miss Japan was just gorgeous........a mixture of elegance n sexiness........tis year's wan ar............i wud say a mixture of elegance n kawainess.........so i still prefer last year's one............
Ok enuf of random bullshit which aint gonna affect any facets of my life............
Here's just a sudden note: Congrats to meimei for finally making up her mind on SMU biz sch! Hahahaha :)
Shrek 3 opens tmr!!!!!!!! Kee u wanna go watch wif me again? Hahaha cos ar my new house the progress is getting on pretty well...........so i tink at most we onli need another 3 weeks to 1 month.............i tink by next week the paint may even be ready too so i may be able to move in in less than 2 weeks...........den by dat time if i have no car available it's gonna be quite difficult to watch movies wif u cos cannot ask u go all the way there n pick me mar lol.........so must take tis opp to watch as many movies as possible be4 i move away haha!
Bck to my life..............which is just boring.............actually i really hope to be given sum special extraordinary powers..........destructive powers..........like being able to control the weather............than whenever i come across sum fucking issues dat makes my blood boil in the news or thru the papers, i can really kick sum asses...........like threathen to blanket USA in snow n blizzard if they dun sign the Kyoto Protocol n cut down on their carbon dioxide emmission...........or send twisters n tornadoes to China if they continue their mistreatment n apathetic attitude towards their wild animals.....like how they treat their tigers n their plans to make farming tiger parts LEGAL..............and bring about a continuos drought to Brazil if they continue to clear away the Amazon forest.............and flood Iran if they continue their stupid war..........n bring about tsunamis to North Korea if they remain so fucking stubborn...........n send a bolt of lightning down on dat fucking car who stubbornly refuses to put his signal when he makes dat turn while i'm patiently waiting to turn out.............n summon down rings of fire to those Mat Rempits.............
Isn't it a perfect irony dat people wif the power to accomplish things never or seldom exercise dat power in issues we deem relevent.............? How i wud like to just smack their asses n make them wake up to see just wat kind of a world we r in right now............i refuse to die in 25 year's time due to a lack of edible food or drinkable water, rising temperatures, rising sea levels or an outbreak of epidemic due to the activities of those who do not take responsibility for them rite now...........!!! If i were to die of lung cancer, i refuse to do so becos sum fucking idiots are making millions while generating hazardous gases thru their factories...........If i were to die of rising temperatures, i refuse to do so becos sum fucking major power country refuses to sign the Kyoto Protocol..............If i were to drown in rising sea levels i refuse to do so unless i just happened to be snorkelling at Pulau Redang n accidentally knocked my head on a coral..........If i were to die i wud like it to be due to my OWN actions...........or unless old age takes me..........not because of sumone else's actions.............!
Ok i'm being grouchy for no reason of watsoever..........n i tot i had nth to write.......
Watever.........let's just pray dat tmr's newspaper will have less issues that makes our blood boil or render us heartbroken as compared to today's...................
I'm an atheist...........so i dun noe whom to pray to..............but i'm still praying............
Jordin Sparks - Wishing On A Star
YEAH I FINISHED KINGDOM HEARTS 2 YESTERDAY NITE!!!!!!!!!! Or early morning today cos by the time i finished it was already around 1 am.............But the best thing is i bested Sephiroth!!!!!!! He's like supposed to be the toughest boss in the game wahaha! :) But i onli managed to do so after watching a few clips of others beating him on youtube lol............
I dun tink those ppl reading tis blog will noe wat kind of a game Kingdom Hearts is haha its basically a PS2 RPG (role-playing game) game that combines Squaresoft's final fantasy series characters together wif disney characters in an interesting story/plot. U'll find final fantasy characters like Yuna, Vivi, Seifer, Yuffie, Squall/Leon, Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith, Tifa, Rikku, Paine and many more. Den there's also disney characters like Donald and Goofy (both of which are 2 of the 3 main characters in the game), Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Mulan, Beauty n the beast, Simba, Jack Skellington, Aladdin n Jasmine, Aerial, Maleficent, and even Captain Jack Sparrow! :)
Very nice game! Though i din manage 100% completion but i was near wif 96%........veri hard to achieve 100% lar............Now i'm starting wif Final Fantasy 12 but i dun quite like the battle system..........not veri nice...........
I dun tink those ppl reading tis blog will noe wat kind of a game Kingdom Hearts is haha its basically a PS2 RPG (role-playing game) game that combines Squaresoft's final fantasy series characters together wif disney characters in an interesting story/plot. U'll find final fantasy characters like Yuna, Vivi, Seifer, Yuffie, Squall/Leon, Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith, Tifa, Rikku, Paine and many more. Den there's also disney characters like Donald and Goofy (both of which are 2 of the 3 main characters in the game), Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Mulan, Beauty n the beast, Simba, Jack Skellington, Aladdin n Jasmine, Aerial, Maleficent, and even Captain Jack Sparrow! :)
Very nice game! Though i din manage 100% completion but i was near wif 96%........veri hard to achieve 100% lar............Now i'm starting wif Final Fantasy 12 but i dun quite like the battle system..........not veri nice...........
Ok..........so here's the deal...........i went to do my first facial in my lifetime wif my mum 2day since she's doing hers n she has quite a few treatments left so she tot i cud use up sum of hers..........my complexion wasn't exactly flawless to start wif..........
So..........i tot it was gonna be an enjoyable experience...........well i wudn't say it was a disaster.......i still enjoyed it............but there were parts of the treatment dat made me cringe in pain...........cos they actually started pressing my pimples!!!!!!!!!!! or squeezing them.........either one............n picking out the blackheads wif a pin thingy dats SHARP............dat part was REALLY PAINFUL............the lady told me it WAS gonna be painful but i sure wasn't expecting anything liddat when i entered the place!!!! Cos i tot u weren't suppose to squeeze ur pimples.................it really hurt...........
Den she put on this mask thingy on my face which was FREAKING COLD............like real icy cold i'm telling ya..........when she left the room i quickly searched around for my handphone (my eyes were covered at dat time) n took pics of myself cosi can't see wat i looked like wif a mask on so i was curious hahaha! :P

So..........i tot it was gonna be an enjoyable experience...........well i wudn't say it was a disaster.......i still enjoyed it............but there were parts of the treatment dat made me cringe in pain...........cos they actually started pressing my pimples!!!!!!!!!!! or squeezing them.........either one............n picking out the blackheads wif a pin thingy dats SHARP............dat part was REALLY PAINFUL............the lady told me it WAS gonna be painful but i sure wasn't expecting anything liddat when i entered the place!!!! Cos i tot u weren't suppose to squeeze ur pimples.................it really hurt...........
Den she put on this mask thingy on my face which was FREAKING COLD............like real icy cold i'm telling ya..........when she left the room i quickly searched around for my handphone (my eyes were covered at dat time) n took pics of myself cosi can't see wat i looked like wif a mask on so i was curious hahaha! :P

Mask n pig's nostrils......

Blue freak

Dermaline (i hope i got the spelling rite)
Since i have 2 more treatments to go..........i guess i'll be bck next week for even more tormentous treatments...........i hope its worth it............
Had a great but pricey dinner at nite n went on to visit tis furniture shop dat imports 2nd hand furniture frm 5 star hotels in spore..........had real fun picking out pieces of furniture for the new house! I can't wait to be able to design my OWN house in the future! :)
Well, went to watch Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End today wif Kee (as usual hahaha) and i really liked it a lot!!!!!!!!!! Kee tot it was boring haha but i really liked the movie! Maybe it's because i've always had a liking for myths n legends n brudderhud stuff so this 3rd installment had all dat! The legendary Calypso, the Brethen Court and all the cinematic effects were good! And the ending too! It left loads of room for a 4th installment of the series so i'm hoping dat they will indeed come up wif the 4th movie! :)
Went to this little cafe/bistro place later for lunch........can't remember the place but the food is good! I ordered a Chicken Cordon Bleu while Kee had a Grilled Chicken Sandwich, both of which rawks! :) And then we had a sinful spread of desert haha initially just wanted to order one tiramisu each but i tot my stomach still has space so in the end both of us ordered 2 deserts accompanied by a cup of cuppacino!!!!! And both of us learnt a lesson..........DUN TINK UR STOMACH HAS SO MUCH SPACE COS THE FOOD TAKES TIME TO EVENTUALLY OCCUPY UR STOMACH!!!!!! U may tink u're not full but in actual fact u r..........but at least the desert were also quite good.......!!!! The tiramisu was still ok though i prefer a version wif a creamier cheese texture.........but the strawberry yogurt cheesecake i ordered was quite good! Kee had a green tea cheesecake for his 2nd desert n he said it was nice 2! I din try dat cos i'm not a huge green tea fan..........i mean i dun mind DRINKIN the tea but not eating any green tea cuisine........ dunno why.........just dun like...........
So i took pics but once again i'm facing difficulties uploading them directly into blogger.......so i had to upload them into my yahoo album once again be4 uploading them into blogger via yahoo.......i dunno whether u guys can see the pics but if u can't u can find the pics here: http://new.photos.yahoo.com/narya_7891/album/576460762401265356
Apart frm the above.........my life is nth but boredom............i'm thankful to own a ps2...........
Went to this little cafe/bistro place later for lunch........can't remember the place but the food is good! I ordered a Chicken Cordon Bleu while Kee had a Grilled Chicken Sandwich, both of which rawks! :) And then we had a sinful spread of desert haha initially just wanted to order one tiramisu each but i tot my stomach still has space so in the end both of us ordered 2 deserts accompanied by a cup of cuppacino!!!!! And both of us learnt a lesson..........DUN TINK UR STOMACH HAS SO MUCH SPACE COS THE FOOD TAKES TIME TO EVENTUALLY OCCUPY UR STOMACH!!!!!! U may tink u're not full but in actual fact u r..........but at least the desert were also quite good.......!!!! The tiramisu was still ok though i prefer a version wif a creamier cheese texture.........but the strawberry yogurt cheesecake i ordered was quite good! Kee had a green tea cheesecake for his 2nd desert n he said it was nice 2! I din try dat cos i'm not a huge green tea fan..........i mean i dun mind DRINKIN the tea but not eating any green tea cuisine........ dunno why.........just dun like...........
So i took pics but once again i'm facing difficulties uploading them directly into blogger.......so i had to upload them into my yahoo album once again be4 uploading them into blogger via yahoo.......i dunno whether u guys can see the pics but if u can't u can find the pics here: http://new.photos.yahoo.com/narya_7891/album/576460762401265356
Apart frm the above.........my life is nth but boredom............i'm thankful to own a ps2...........
Green Tea Cheesecake
Chicken Cordon Bleu
Strawberry Yogurt Cheesecake
Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Ok...........i actually feel like blogging rite now but i dunno wat to blog about........din really went thru the newspapers in details 2day so i dun have anything on hand to tok about lol.........
Well, the onli thing dats changed in my house rite now is the fact dat my bro's bck frm uni today.......having his hols.........other than dat it was just another freaking hot day.........i was sweating as i slept in the afternoon............
Our new house is getting on pretty well at this stage.........at least most of the ceiling were done when me n my dad stopped by today...........the floor's cement has been set in too..........so basically we're just left wif the counter tops in the kitchen's as well as the parquet floor upstairs as well as in the bedrooms down stairs........den.........also left wif the ceiling in the living room......after all dat has been done we can start putting in the doors n windows whose frames are already in place..........den we can start painting as well as installing the lights, which me n my dad (again) went to buy (not all lar......just a few) at the shop after lunch today.........
Aneway, Jordin won Aerican Idol! Actually i can't decide btw her n Melinda (though quite obviously Melinda was long out of the race) cos Melinda can really deliver any song thrown at her but her voice is a little bit different though equally strong........Jordin has a wide-appealing strong vocal dat allows her to sing tough songs easily n her voice is more easily accepted in the pop circle too i tink...........aneway i really liked the song sang by Gwen Stefani during the finale........i tink it's called 4 in the morning..........veri nice......... :)
So, dats the song of the week for me haha!
Gwen Stefani - 4 in the morning
Well, the onli thing dats changed in my house rite now is the fact dat my bro's bck frm uni today.......having his hols.........other than dat it was just another freaking hot day.........i was sweating as i slept in the afternoon............
Our new house is getting on pretty well at this stage.........at least most of the ceiling were done when me n my dad stopped by today...........the floor's cement has been set in too..........so basically we're just left wif the counter tops in the kitchen's as well as the parquet floor upstairs as well as in the bedrooms down stairs........den.........also left wif the ceiling in the living room......after all dat has been done we can start putting in the doors n windows whose frames are already in place..........den we can start painting as well as installing the lights, which me n my dad (again) went to buy (not all lar......just a few) at the shop after lunch today.........
Aneway, Jordin won Aerican Idol! Actually i can't decide btw her n Melinda (though quite obviously Melinda was long out of the race) cos Melinda can really deliver any song thrown at her but her voice is a little bit different though equally strong........Jordin has a wide-appealing strong vocal dat allows her to sing tough songs easily n her voice is more easily accepted in the pop circle too i tink...........aneway i really liked the song sang by Gwen Stefani during the finale........i tink it's called 4 in the morning..........veri nice......... :)
So, dats the song of the week for me haha!
Gwen Stefani - 4 in the morning
Ok so Man United is NOT coming to Msia............
Haih after all the hoohahs they still ended up not coming........can't they like reschedule.......?
Pirates are out today! But i tink i'll catch them tmr instead..............
Nth much to update..........
Haih after all the hoohahs they still ended up not coming........can't they like reschedule.......?
Pirates are out today! But i tink i'll catch them tmr instead..............
Nth much to update..........
Shocking news i guess.......The University of New South Wales in spore is closing down..........apparently they din have anuf students to keep it alive i guess..........my mum heard it over the news n told me about it...............
It's actually quite a shock to me cos it's supposed to be the 1st private uni in spore n there were so many plans being made (or already made) like the present campus near tanglin there and the proposed new campus at changi which was supposed to be finished by 2009 (i can onli assume at this stage dat no construction work had been carried out yet) and all those booklets n brochures they gave us when we collected our A level results...........
So sorry to hear it kee.........dunno whether they will return you the application fees.........wait did u pay any application fees...........?
Haih i tink really the uni itself doesnt make sense cos spore so small.........i dun tink it will need so many unis..........especially when the population is expected to tone down summore with the problem of sporeans not having enuf sex to produce babies etc etc...........NUS, NTU n now we have SMU 2.........n then got another one is ermmmmmmmmm wat SIM issit? Dat one also a uni rite........? The population just ain't enuf to sustain so many unis at tis stage lar.........n i tink not enuf promotion is being done to attract ppl to UNSW..........they shud have like promoted it among JCs or poly's lor........hold talks etc..........n they shud come up wif sth different or original to attract ppl........like SMU.........Open campus, american style of pedagogy, focusing more on projects than exams etc etc..........dats y they're doing so well now............
Cos i din see the news for myself so i stil dunno whether true or not............but since my mum said she saw most prob true bah...........
It's actually quite a shock to me cos it's supposed to be the 1st private uni in spore n there were so many plans being made (or already made) like the present campus near tanglin there and the proposed new campus at changi which was supposed to be finished by 2009 (i can onli assume at this stage dat no construction work had been carried out yet) and all those booklets n brochures they gave us when we collected our A level results...........
So sorry to hear it kee.........dunno whether they will return you the application fees.........wait did u pay any application fees...........?
Haih i tink really the uni itself doesnt make sense cos spore so small.........i dun tink it will need so many unis..........especially when the population is expected to tone down summore with the problem of sporeans not having enuf sex to produce babies etc etc...........NUS, NTU n now we have SMU 2.........n then got another one is ermmmmmmmmm wat SIM issit? Dat one also a uni rite........? The population just ain't enuf to sustain so many unis at tis stage lar.........n i tink not enuf promotion is being done to attract ppl to UNSW..........they shud have like promoted it among JCs or poly's lor........hold talks etc..........n they shud come up wif sth different or original to attract ppl........like SMU.........Open campus, american style of pedagogy, focusing more on projects than exams etc etc..........dats y they're doing so well now............
Cos i din see the news for myself so i stil dunno whether true or not............but since my mum said she saw most prob true bah...........
Ok so i made another mistake in my calculations..........the rental fees of S$60 were per week not per month.........haha thanx to meimei for reminding me lol n i was wondering how come so cheap sia haha........!
And i tink i just spent half an hour reading thru sum of the more recent entries at xiaxue's blog.................which is REALLY so superficial and bitchy that not everyone can take it..........n the worst thing is SHE KNOWS SHE IS SUPERFICIAL AND YET REMAINS PROUD OF IT........
Take the incident at JB for instance...........she ALREADY knows it's her fault in the 1st place.........i mean u're the one not paying attention when u're crossing the damn road..........so dun start complaining EVEN when the driver makes all those unneccessary moves like cursing or shouting (actually he onli cursed becos she shouted "fuck you" bck and pointed her middle finger after the driver scolded her for not looking properly be4 she crossed the road).........i mean come on COMMON SENSE lar u R IN JB afterall............not everywhere is singapore ok.........drivers in my hometown will honk at you even when u're crossing the road wif zebra lines under your feet (those zebra crossings wif NO traffic lights........in spore drivers will AUTOMATICALLY let the pedestrians cross.........n i tink it's SUPPOSED to be dat way......but in msia it's a different story altogether.........at least it is in my part of the country.......) Dun treat everywhere as if it's your backyard and take everything u're so familiar wif for granted in a different environment............ It just doesn't work that way............
I'm not saying i'll act perfectly calm n in a saintly manner when i'm in the same situation but i noe i wun start boasting it in my blog...........nor will i be ABSOLUTELY proud and get all righteous wif wat i've done...........i mean i've also admitted being in the wrong when i was on the road driving...............like the motorcycle case a few weeks ago............it's when ppl start acting like xiaxue dat the whole "road courtesy" thing gets hotly debated again..........n to tink dat spore is having their Kindness Week...........i've heard so many complaints abt road users over the radio (spore station of cos) n how "unkind" or "impolite" they are.........and xiaxue's behaviour epitomizes all of dat..........
N ya as meimei said to tink dat such a shitty blog gets awarded wif various awards............are they trying to send the message that bloggers shud be proud of such peers wif such shitty entries........? Or dat the blogging community shud be proud by being represented wif such a blogger dat paints THIS kind of image........? I haven seen anything yet in her blog dat deals wif even the slightest mature or serious issues............or even anything decent............or anything dat comes close to dat..........i'm not saying she can't say all dat...........we all do frm time to time, dun we...........but the question is does such a blog deserve all those awards then? THEY'RE NOT EVEN FUNNY.............. Give the awards to ppl like kennysia or mr. brown or dat JC girl Grace sth..............
Ok i'm done complaining..........not dat anyone cares............but i'm done............
And i tink i just spent half an hour reading thru sum of the more recent entries at xiaxue's blog.................which is REALLY so superficial and bitchy that not everyone can take it..........n the worst thing is SHE KNOWS SHE IS SUPERFICIAL AND YET REMAINS PROUD OF IT........
Take the incident at JB for instance...........she ALREADY knows it's her fault in the 1st place.........i mean u're the one not paying attention when u're crossing the damn road..........so dun start complaining EVEN when the driver makes all those unneccessary moves like cursing or shouting (actually he onli cursed becos she shouted "fuck you" bck and pointed her middle finger after the driver scolded her for not looking properly be4 she crossed the road).........i mean come on COMMON SENSE lar u R IN JB afterall............not everywhere is singapore ok.........drivers in my hometown will honk at you even when u're crossing the road wif zebra lines under your feet (those zebra crossings wif NO traffic lights........in spore drivers will AUTOMATICALLY let the pedestrians cross.........n i tink it's SUPPOSED to be dat way......but in msia it's a different story altogether.........at least it is in my part of the country.......) Dun treat everywhere as if it's your backyard and take everything u're so familiar wif for granted in a different environment............ It just doesn't work that way............
I'm not saying i'll act perfectly calm n in a saintly manner when i'm in the same situation but i noe i wun start boasting it in my blog...........nor will i be ABSOLUTELY proud and get all righteous wif wat i've done...........i mean i've also admitted being in the wrong when i was on the road driving...............like the motorcycle case a few weeks ago............it's when ppl start acting like xiaxue dat the whole "road courtesy" thing gets hotly debated again..........n to tink dat spore is having their Kindness Week...........i've heard so many complaints abt road users over the radio (spore station of cos) n how "unkind" or "impolite" they are.........and xiaxue's behaviour epitomizes all of dat..........
N ya as meimei said to tink dat such a shitty blog gets awarded wif various awards............are they trying to send the message that bloggers shud be proud of such peers wif such shitty entries........? Or dat the blogging community shud be proud by being represented wif such a blogger dat paints THIS kind of image........? I haven seen anything yet in her blog dat deals wif even the slightest mature or serious issues............or even anything decent............or anything dat comes close to dat..........i'm not saying she can't say all dat...........we all do frm time to time, dun we...........but the question is does such a blog deserve all those awards then? THEY'RE NOT EVEN FUNNY.............. Give the awards to ppl like kennysia or mr. brown or dat JC girl Grace sth..............
Ok i'm done complaining..........not dat anyone cares............but i'm done............
Ok so i've made a mistake............the fees for food is charged at S$357 PER SEMESTER............i tot per month..........ok............so each semester around 3 months rite......? Dunno whether they include holidays in their calculations or not...........nvm........so dat makes it around S$119 per month........plus S$60 per month for room..........so it amounts to S$179 per month for accomodation..........den if i add transport fees to around S$85 per month, dats like S$259 per month liao leh...............PER MONTH LEH............summore din add lunch expenditure........
And i dunno why their allowance so wierd wan give S$4300 annually.........liddat if i divide by 12 i get S$358.3333333333 per month...........ok so we just take it as S$358...........minus away S$259 n we r left wif S$99 dollars.............dats like even more pathetic than the S$200 per month during my JC years.............ok i dun care accomodation is gonna be fully sponsored by my parents...........none of my S$358 is going to be spent on accomodation............the least i can promise is dat i wun waste the money spent there.........dat means i'll eat my breakfast n dinner in the hall as often as i can...........
Gonna be filling in my application for hall now............
And i dunno why their allowance so wierd wan give S$4300 annually.........liddat if i divide by 12 i get S$358.3333333333 per month...........ok so we just take it as S$358...........minus away S$259 n we r left wif S$99 dollars.............dats like even more pathetic than the S$200 per month during my JC years.............ok i dun care accomodation is gonna be fully sponsored by my parents...........none of my S$358 is going to be spent on accomodation............the least i can promise is dat i wun waste the money spent there.........dat means i'll eat my breakfast n dinner in the hall as often as i can...........
Gonna be filling in my application for hall now............
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok tis is the 2nd time i'm saying tis but IM SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why i'm happy? COS THE EMAIL FINALLY CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm finally offered the ASEAN scholarship at NUS.......!!!!!!!!!! :)
It covers my annual tuition fees as well as an additional S$4300 annual allowance.
So all i need is to pay for my hostel fees and miscelleneous fees i guess........but hostel fees alone are gonna be quite a lot liao leh........ cos actually 4300 a year dat means about S$350++ per month lor........dats like just enough to cover the cost of the meals leh......not including hostel fees lor.........but at least they covered my tuition fees.........cos even under the tuition grant the tuition fees are still a lot for msians to handel.........
Nishanth n Bharat also got their SIA scholarship for NUS so i'm veri happy for them too!! :)
But their scholarship is soooooo much better cos they cover tuition fees, accomodation and even airfare!!!! AND THEY GET S$500 PER MONTH!!!!!!!!! And they dun even need to take out part of that S$500 for their hostel fees!!!!!!!!!!! Dats like so cool rite!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean definitely S$500 is a lot man...........if u plan ur spending properly i tink still can save quite a bit......i noe expenditure during uni definitely wayyyyy higher than our JC years but den still S$500 is A LOT..............
I'm soooooooooooo happy now...........!!!!!!!! :)
Ok gonna start my application for Eusoff Hall soon!
Why i'm happy? COS THE EMAIL FINALLY CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm finally offered the ASEAN scholarship at NUS.......!!!!!!!!!! :)
It covers my annual tuition fees as well as an additional S$4300 annual allowance.
So all i need is to pay for my hostel fees and miscelleneous fees i guess........but hostel fees alone are gonna be quite a lot liao leh........ cos actually 4300 a year dat means about S$350++ per month lor........dats like just enough to cover the cost of the meals leh......not including hostel fees lor.........but at least they covered my tuition fees.........cos even under the tuition grant the tuition fees are still a lot for msians to handel.........
Nishanth n Bharat also got their SIA scholarship for NUS so i'm veri happy for them too!! :)
But their scholarship is soooooo much better cos they cover tuition fees, accomodation and even airfare!!!! AND THEY GET S$500 PER MONTH!!!!!!!!! And they dun even need to take out part of that S$500 for their hostel fees!!!!!!!!!!! Dats like so cool rite!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean definitely S$500 is a lot man...........if u plan ur spending properly i tink still can save quite a bit......i noe expenditure during uni definitely wayyyyy higher than our JC years but den still S$500 is A LOT..............
I'm soooooooooooo happy now...........!!!!!!!! :)
Ok gonna start my application for Eusoff Hall soon!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally its done.........new skin...........tis is the onli skin i cud find wif the least feminity in it...........cos i wanted a bright (preferably white) skin since i've had a dark wan (the last one) for quite sum time already.........and i wanted 1 wif everything on the same page.........dat means u dun have to click on links to get to "entries" or "links" etc etc..........and tis was the best i cud get............simple and clean..........nice......... :)
But i realised dat by having a white skin sum of my previous posts wud be a little hard 2 read cos of the colours of the fonts..........but nvm..........i shall choose dark fonts frm now on............
Aneway as i said be4 if u very free help me click on those google ads on the side..........
Luckily i still managed to retain my tagboard wif all its msgs which is cool.............i haven included the "calorie" list cos if i add dat in den the side part like a little too long........maybe i'll add them sum other time............
I've finally started on dat book i mentioned abt.......the one lying untouched by my bed........the content like a bit "chim" lar but i'm hoping dat it will turn out to be interesting.........it's supposed to be..........or else i wudn't buy it in the 1st place.............
Ok finally i like my new skin.............cos it's bright............! :)
But i realised dat by having a white skin sum of my previous posts wud be a little hard 2 read cos of the colours of the fonts..........but nvm..........i shall choose dark fonts frm now on............
Aneway as i said be4 if u very free help me click on those google ads on the side..........
Luckily i still managed to retain my tagboard wif all its msgs which is cool.............i haven included the "calorie" list cos if i add dat in den the side part like a little too long........maybe i'll add them sum other time............
I've finally started on dat book i mentioned abt.......the one lying untouched by my bed........the content like a bit "chim" lar but i'm hoping dat it will turn out to be interesting.........it's supposed to be..........or else i wudn't buy it in the 1st place.............
Ok finally i like my new skin.............cos it's bright............! :)
Ok tis is gonna be short..........im trying to change a skin but i realised dat most skins are too girlish cos they're all done by girls........still trying to find sth suitable...........
Oh ya n if u have nth to do just go to the tagboard area n beneath the tagboard u'll find sum google advertisements...........just click on them for me will ya............click as many times as u wan............cos i'm doind an experiment n i need ppl to click on those ads...........can't do em myself...........
I'm bored..........so i tink i'll go n reactivate my neopets account...........surprised dat i play neopets.......? Well is tarted dat acc when i was is form 2 lar............cos aneway they have a lot of mini games inside to play..........so why not.............
Oh ya n if u have nth to do just go to the tagboard area n beneath the tagboard u'll find sum google advertisements...........just click on them for me will ya............click as many times as u wan............cos i'm doind an experiment n i need ppl to click on those ads...........can't do em myself...........
I'm bored..........so i tink i'll go n reactivate my neopets account...........surprised dat i play neopets.......? Well is tarted dat acc when i was is form 2 lar............cos aneway they have a lot of mini games inside to play..........so why not.............
Well cos Aga mentioned about choosing Halls in her blog so i tot dat it's really abt time to start tinking about which hall to choose......... Ermmmmm basically i was gonna base my decision in terms of the distance of the halls from my faculties........but den now scared dat such a decision may not be so wise.....but den.......all of them basically have about the same facilities leh........also dunno how to choose...........
As in i've seen the rooms before so i roughly noe how big they are.......the single rooms aren't really dat big but at least it's spacious enuf.........i tink the single room is about half the size of my room at Dunman hostel.........which is in fact a 4 bedder room.........so i tink the single rooms will be comfortable............and i also dunno whether to choose single or double..........cos if i get to choose a room mate and sumone i noe is willing to share a room wif me den obviously i dun mind lar but after spending 2 years in a hostel i've realised one important thing..........and that is u will really appreciate that rare time where u have absolute privacy once u start staying together wif another 3 ppl in a room.............so i tink most prob i'll go for a single room tis time round.........
First off wud be Eusoff Hall..........ok i'll just write down the general info here n comment later.........Eusoff Hall is actually situated rite beside temasek hall and they're like rite across the road frm the FASS........and an important thing to note is dat the Engineering Faculty is just above FASS so it isn't really dat far........ermmmmm there are loads of sports facilities there rite outside the hall like basketball court n tennis court.......they have their own gym n dance studio (i tink all halls have these lor) as well as reading rooms, computer rooms etc etc.......... Their fees are also almost the same as the rest lor........ $60 for single n $40 for double........i dunno abt the fees for food (which is compulsory at ALL halls) but the total amount comes up to about $357 per semester.......... So 4 semesters a year dat wud be around $1428 i tink (dats for food onli)..... considered as cheap lar if u compare it wif rentals outside.........
Temasek Hall actually about the same as Eusoff......cos side by side mar......den fees also exactly the same..........so nth much to say lar..........just dat sumhow i just prefer Eusoff........dunno why........
Next is King Edward VII Hall.........i really dunno the exact location of this 1 but it says it overlook the prince george park.........its basically not exactly near to any of the faculties but once again u can rely on the internal shuttle bus service i guess........same kind of facilities and same room fees but since they serve food 7 days a week (the 2 above only 6 days a week) the total amount per semester amounts to $442 (for food)!!!!!!!! Dats a bit ex lor...........i mean actually i dun mind them serving us just 6 days cos if u go out rite surely u wun come bck n eat but den its compulsory to pay leh so dat means u will waste ur money lor............!!!!!!!!! Hmmmm........tis hall is not among one of my choices................
Kent Ridge Hall has once again about the same facilities wif the rest but it only has single rooms............it also serves food 6 days a week so the total fees per semester for food is $357 like the first 2..........its close to the business faculty n quite close to FASS also i tink..........but den........aiyah dunno lar.............
Raffles Hall is close to the sports n recreation centre which is good for sports buff bah haha.......i tink i've been to raffles be4..........saw the rooms there..........but i tink the hall looks a bit old haha..........or maybe it was another hall.......i dunno...........the different thing abt raffles is dat they serve 3 meals a day.......not an addition of lunch but tea..........so this pushes up the total food cost per semester to $442..........but pay attention......they still onli serve 6 days per week........i dun tink i'll appreciate the tea thingy so i guess raffles is out of the list..........
Sheares Hall boasts the cheapest fees for food at $336.60 per semester and once again they serve 6 days per week.........but den the location is near business sch.........so no use to me.........i dun tink i'll be considering Sheares also............
I guess my list is left wif either Temasek or Eusoff......haha how about being "loyal" and sticking to temasek hall hahaha!
Haih.............choose which wan..............
As in i've seen the rooms before so i roughly noe how big they are.......the single rooms aren't really dat big but at least it's spacious enuf.........i tink the single room is about half the size of my room at Dunman hostel.........which is in fact a 4 bedder room.........so i tink the single rooms will be comfortable............and i also dunno whether to choose single or double..........cos if i get to choose a room mate and sumone i noe is willing to share a room wif me den obviously i dun mind lar but after spending 2 years in a hostel i've realised one important thing..........and that is u will really appreciate that rare time where u have absolute privacy once u start staying together wif another 3 ppl in a room.............so i tink most prob i'll go for a single room tis time round.........
First off wud be Eusoff Hall..........ok i'll just write down the general info here n comment later.........Eusoff Hall is actually situated rite beside temasek hall and they're like rite across the road frm the FASS........and an important thing to note is dat the Engineering Faculty is just above FASS so it isn't really dat far........ermmmmm there are loads of sports facilities there rite outside the hall like basketball court n tennis court.......they have their own gym n dance studio (i tink all halls have these lor) as well as reading rooms, computer rooms etc etc.......... Their fees are also almost the same as the rest lor........ $60 for single n $40 for double........i dunno abt the fees for food (which is compulsory at ALL halls) but the total amount comes up to about $357 per semester.......... So 4 semesters a year dat wud be around $1428 i tink (dats for food onli)..... considered as cheap lar if u compare it wif rentals outside.........
Temasek Hall actually about the same as Eusoff......cos side by side mar......den fees also exactly the same..........so nth much to say lar..........just dat sumhow i just prefer Eusoff........dunno why........
Next is King Edward VII Hall.........i really dunno the exact location of this 1 but it says it overlook the prince george park.........its basically not exactly near to any of the faculties but once again u can rely on the internal shuttle bus service i guess........same kind of facilities and same room fees but since they serve food 7 days a week (the 2 above only 6 days a week) the total amount per semester amounts to $442 (for food)!!!!!!!! Dats a bit ex lor...........i mean actually i dun mind them serving us just 6 days cos if u go out rite surely u wun come bck n eat but den its compulsory to pay leh so dat means u will waste ur money lor............!!!!!!!!! Hmmmm........tis hall is not among one of my choices................
Kent Ridge Hall has once again about the same facilities wif the rest but it only has single rooms............it also serves food 6 days a week so the total fees per semester for food is $357 like the first 2..........its close to the business faculty n quite close to FASS also i tink..........but den........aiyah dunno lar.............
Raffles Hall is close to the sports n recreation centre which is good for sports buff bah haha.......i tink i've been to raffles be4..........saw the rooms there..........but i tink the hall looks a bit old haha..........or maybe it was another hall.......i dunno...........the different thing abt raffles is dat they serve 3 meals a day.......not an addition of lunch but tea..........so this pushes up the total food cost per semester to $442..........but pay attention......they still onli serve 6 days per week........i dun tink i'll appreciate the tea thingy so i guess raffles is out of the list..........
Sheares Hall boasts the cheapest fees for food at $336.60 per semester and once again they serve 6 days per week.........but den the location is near business sch.........so no use to me.........i dun tink i'll be considering Sheares also............
I guess my list is left wif either Temasek or Eusoff......haha how about being "loyal" and sticking to temasek hall hahaha!
Haih.............choose which wan..............
Ok so i added a new section to the notebook corner........partly it was becos im bored.....n the other becos im too fat.........went jogging this morning and luckily i was in the mood to jog..........well after checking sum resources i've found out dat i wud have burned around 400+ calories wif dat exercise........den had wantan mee for breakfast.......i tink dat'll add bck around 300+ calories......? Had rice n sum dishes for lunch as well as 2 vitagens frm the fridge.......the vitagens alone contributed bck 127.2 calories..........and the rice.........hmmmmmmm........i'm estimating around 400 to 500.........so lets make it 450 den...........so in total i'm having a surplus of 477.2 calories (assuming i burned 400 n breakfast was 300)...........and dat's w/o factoring in my dinner later............i seriously DO NOT NOE how u're suppose to burn more fat than u consume................am i suppose to gnaw on celery sticks den????!!!! Dey onli contain 5 calories per stalk u noe...............
This losing weight thing really seem hopeless to me.........i mean im already keeping off from all those snacks n stuff...........n to tink dat there's still a quarter of good quality cheesecake in the fridge..........N I DIN TOUCH IT TOO! All i took was vitagen............
Man u lost..........dat freaking referee shud go boil his head for not allowing gigg's goal........but nvm..........consolation is federrer finally defeated nadal..............on clay summore...........i noe not everyone likes federrer but sumhow i prefer him over nadal........dunno why.........maybe cos he's not as perfect as nadal in the sense dat he doesnt have the looks.........n looks more humble too...........
Boring day............boring............boring...................
I tink i need to go on a shopping trip........not for clothes or gadgets.........but for books.........i feel like going over to spore n shop for books.............dunno why..........just feel like doing so.........
This losing weight thing really seem hopeless to me.........i mean im already keeping off from all those snacks n stuff...........n to tink dat there's still a quarter of good quality cheesecake in the fridge..........N I DIN TOUCH IT TOO! All i took was vitagen............
Man u lost..........dat freaking referee shud go boil his head for not allowing gigg's goal........but nvm..........consolation is federrer finally defeated nadal..............on clay summore...........i noe not everyone likes federrer but sumhow i prefer him over nadal........dunno why.........maybe cos he's not as perfect as nadal in the sense dat he doesnt have the looks.........n looks more humble too...........
Boring day............boring............boring...................
I tink i need to go on a shopping trip........not for clothes or gadgets.........but for books.........i feel like going over to spore n shop for books.............dunno why..........just feel like doing so.........
Well.......i'm too bored.......so i went about creating a new section for the blog.....basically its just a place for me to note down stuff i wanna remember.......so i began wif almost all the titles of the books i've ever read before.......obviously those enid blyton or christopher pike dun count cos there were just too many of those and it was such a long time ago........i can still remember being a huge fan of christopher pike that i even used his name as my password for sum accounts haha......!
I tink there are still sum authors whom i can't recall their names........there's one woman author whom i got to noe when i borrowed a book by her frm the tj library........and i can still remember jason n sean laughing at me for reading dat book cos the author was a woman.........sexist lar these ppl haha......aneway that book wasn't a romance title fyi........it was closer to being a thriller.........kinda like a james patterson thriller though not as intense...........but her name just doesn't register anywhere............
I've also bought a few books be4 and yet din finish reading them in the end........one example wud be the Chronicles of Narnia cos i tot it may be as good as LOTR but i was SOOOOOOOO wrong........ppl have told me dat the starting is boring (which it is.......) but as u progress on it gets better.........well there are very few books which can really make me stop at the beginning and not continue anymore and narnia is one of them..........really boring lar the starting until i lose the mood n determination to finish it...............
I've got a few more titles i intend to buy but sumtimes you just can't find it in a 2nd hand book store........and it can be very infruiritating...........and if i were to buy it frm the 2nd book stores at orchard those are a bit more ex...........
Wanna finish The Dreamers series.........left wif the last book haven buy yet...........den also wanna continue wif the series by Raymond E. Feist but so hard to find the book i wan..........now theres still 1 brand new book lying untouched beside my bed for at least 3 months liao and yet i haven even started on page 1........i SWEAR these will all change by tmr.........
Ok the sky's rumbling again shan't take no chances gotta go.........i tink i'll update again later.........
I tink there are still sum authors whom i can't recall their names........there's one woman author whom i got to noe when i borrowed a book by her frm the tj library........and i can still remember jason n sean laughing at me for reading dat book cos the author was a woman.........sexist lar these ppl haha......aneway that book wasn't a romance title fyi........it was closer to being a thriller.........kinda like a james patterson thriller though not as intense...........but her name just doesn't register anywhere............
I've also bought a few books be4 and yet din finish reading them in the end........one example wud be the Chronicles of Narnia cos i tot it may be as good as LOTR but i was SOOOOOOOO wrong........ppl have told me dat the starting is boring (which it is.......) but as u progress on it gets better.........well there are very few books which can really make me stop at the beginning and not continue anymore and narnia is one of them..........really boring lar the starting until i lose the mood n determination to finish it...............
I've got a few more titles i intend to buy but sumtimes you just can't find it in a 2nd hand book store........and it can be very infruiritating...........and if i were to buy it frm the 2nd book stores at orchard those are a bit more ex...........
Wanna finish The Dreamers series.........left wif the last book haven buy yet...........den also wanna continue wif the series by Raymond E. Feist but so hard to find the book i wan..........now theres still 1 brand new book lying untouched beside my bed for at least 3 months liao and yet i haven even started on page 1........i SWEAR these will all change by tmr.........
Ok the sky's rumbling again shan't take no chances gotta go.........i tink i'll update again later.........
I mean its like 40 degrees in the morning AND the afternoon and then just when u're about to lose it and finally gave up on the idea of helping to control global warming as you turn on the aircond, the sky turns dark in less than 15 minutes and you hear a distant rumbling as the thunder sets in..........and soon enough the lightning's gonna be making a grand entrance, forcing you to switch off ur electronic appliances in case they get fried n turn into edible toasts of nickel and mercury............
I hate the weather.........
NUS trip today was boring and a total waste of time..................
I'm in need of a drastic change in my life............either that or S$250,000.......... Why S$250,000? Cos i wanna enter Deal or No Deal..............
It's a saturday.........and saturdays are always boring...........cos theres nth much on tv..........
I dun even wanna venture outside my house w/o a car nowadays..........cos the weather's too erratic........i din realise even the weather has PMS..............maybe dats y they call nature "mother nature".............
Ok the rumbling's getting worst...........i gotta go be4 i get stuck wif a fried computer wif toast mouse and key boards as side dishes for the rest of the month..........
Kelly Clarkson ~ Never Again
I mean its like 40 degrees in the morning AND the afternoon and then just when u're about to lose it and finally gave up on the idea of helping to control global warming as you turn on the aircond, the sky turns dark in less than 15 minutes and you hear a distant rumbling as the thunder sets in..........and soon enough the lightning's gonna be making a grand entrance, forcing you to switch off ur electronic appliances in case they get fried n turn into edible toasts of nickel and mercury............
I hate the weather.........
NUS trip today was boring and a total waste of time..................
I'm in need of a drastic change in my life............either that or S$250,000.......... Why S$250,000? Cos i wanna enter Deal or No Deal..............
It's a saturday.........and saturdays are always boring...........cos theres nth much on tv..........
I dun even wanna venture outside my house w/o a car nowadays..........cos the weather's too erratic........i din realise even the weather has PMS..............maybe dats y they call nature "mother nature".............
Ok the rumbling's getting worst...........i gotta go be4 i get stuck wif a fried computer wif toast mouse and key boards as side dishes for the rest of the month..........
Kelly Clarkson ~ Never Again
Ok sum quick update..........watched 2 movies this week........the first was "Sumo lah!" which was (i tink) a msian movie bah (but featuring Gurmit Singh 2)........the dialogues were pretty much a mix of Malay, English n sum Jap since it was a movie on Sumo afterall.........but it was VERI funny haha! Its been long since i truly appreciated a good comedy dat just based their jokes around the simple things in life.......no deliberate antics nor special effects........just the plain old comedy......! :)
The second movie just happened to be a comedy 2........Blades of Glory featuring Will Ferrell which was rather entertaining 2.........i din find it as funny as Sumo lah since there were relatively less things to laught abt in the movie but overall it was still good......not much deliberate shallow hypocratic stunts there so dats wat i like....!
AND i met mei hui at leisure mall n she told me dat college day is gonna be held in sch TMR...........neither of us got the letters..........i tink they must have sent it bck to Dunman Hostel..................but i got the NUS FASS open house tmr as well as a lunch thingy again at NUS tmr.........so i dunno where to go..........haih ANYBODY ELSE GOING TO SCH TMR? Cos if im going alone den i rather not go.........i also dunno go for wat.........
My diahorea is sort of being erratic nowadays.........tot it was over but it feels like its staging a comebck...........i hope the sushi i just ate doesnt help the internal rebellion...............
And can i make a sweeping statement over here...............AMERICANS ARE STUPID FOR VOTING OFF MELINDA DOOLITTLE.......!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok a HUGE sweeping statement but wat the heck.................wats there to look forward to in the finals? Im onli looking forward to Jordin's performance becos no matter wat the judges said yesterday, Blake's singing really doesnt make the cut.........those songs dat he performed.....they must really be performed well for them to sound nice........and its not easy to get them rite........he obviously din get it rite........at least they weren't rite for me...........
Nth much on wif my life.................haih.............i dun even have aerobics classes to go to..........i wanna win S$250,000 frm Deal or No Deal....................
The second movie just happened to be a comedy 2........Blades of Glory featuring Will Ferrell which was rather entertaining 2.........i din find it as funny as Sumo lah since there were relatively less things to laught abt in the movie but overall it was still good......not much deliberate shallow hypocratic stunts there so dats wat i like....!
AND i met mei hui at leisure mall n she told me dat college day is gonna be held in sch TMR...........neither of us got the letters..........i tink they must have sent it bck to Dunman Hostel..................but i got the NUS FASS open house tmr as well as a lunch thingy again at NUS tmr.........so i dunno where to go..........haih ANYBODY ELSE GOING TO SCH TMR? Cos if im going alone den i rather not go.........i also dunno go for wat.........
My diahorea is sort of being erratic nowadays.........tot it was over but it feels like its staging a comebck...........i hope the sushi i just ate doesnt help the internal rebellion...............
And can i make a sweeping statement over here...............AMERICANS ARE STUPID FOR VOTING OFF MELINDA DOOLITTLE.......!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok a HUGE sweeping statement but wat the heck.................wats there to look forward to in the finals? Im onli looking forward to Jordin's performance becos no matter wat the judges said yesterday, Blake's singing really doesnt make the cut.........those songs dat he performed.....they must really be performed well for them to sound nice........and its not easy to get them rite........he obviously din get it rite........at least they weren't rite for me...........
Nth much on wif my life.................haih.............i dun even have aerobics classes to go to..........i wanna win S$250,000 frm Deal or No Deal....................
We are pleased to inform you that you have been awarded on a provisional basis, the ASEAN UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP to pursue your undergraduate course at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Academic Year 2007-08.The scholarship if offered will commence from AY 2007-08 and is tenable for the normal period of your course of study. It will cover the tuition fee payable by students and provide a living allowance of S$4,300 per academic year.NTU will notify you of the result of this provisional offer on 28 May 2007.
Assoc Prof Loh Nee LamDean of AdmissionsChairman, Scholarships Committee
Well i just received this email today so i guess i shud be happy but the fact is dat i've already accepted the offer frm NUS leh........BUT THE SCHOLARSHIP PPL FRM NUS HAVEN CONTACTED ANYONE OF US YET......!!!!!!!!????
I tot of applying to the hostels at NUS today but den there was this section asking whether i'm a self-funding student or sumone under a scholarship programme..........so i was stumped........wat am i suppose to put? I AM hoping to get a scholarship frm NUS but there just haven been any news!!!!!!
Haih..........am i suppose to be happy or frustrated now...........? I dunno.......... I noe i shud be thankful for wat i have rite now but im just so worried abt the scholarship thingy.........
And my diahorea run continues on..........i tink there's sth wrong wif my digestive system.......
Bought a cheesecake for Mother's day n took sum pics but i guess i'll put em up tmr instead.......
Maroon Five ~ Makes Me Wonder
We are pleased to inform you that you have been awarded on a provisional basis, the ASEAN UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP to pursue your undergraduate course at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Academic Year 2007-08.The scholarship if offered will commence from AY 2007-08 and is tenable for the normal period of your course of study. It will cover the tuition fee payable by students and provide a living allowance of S$4,300 per academic year.NTU will notify you of the result of this provisional offer on 28 May 2007.
Assoc Prof Loh Nee LamDean of AdmissionsChairman, Scholarships Committee
Well i just received this email today so i guess i shud be happy but the fact is dat i've already accepted the offer frm NUS leh........BUT THE SCHOLARSHIP PPL FRM NUS HAVEN CONTACTED ANYONE OF US YET......!!!!!!!!????
I tot of applying to the hostels at NUS today but den there was this section asking whether i'm a self-funding student or sumone under a scholarship programme..........so i was stumped........wat am i suppose to put? I AM hoping to get a scholarship frm NUS but there just haven been any news!!!!!!
Haih..........am i suppose to be happy or frustrated now...........? I dunno.......... I noe i shud be thankful for wat i have rite now but im just so worried abt the scholarship thingy.........
And my diahorea run continues on..........i tink there's sth wrong wif my digestive system.......
Bought a cheesecake for Mother's day n took sum pics but i guess i'll put em up tmr instead.......
Maroon Five ~ Makes Me Wonder

Well, here's the good news!
Application status enquiry
Application number 17000420
Application statusThe general stages for the application status areApplication received --> Application processing --> Outcome of application
You have been offered Engineering and Economics in academic year 2007 - 2008.The details of the offer will be stated in the offer letter.Your letter of offer was sent on 10-May-2007.Please reply at the Joint Acceptance website by 04-Jun-2007.
Woohooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Hahaha and the letter just arrived this morning too!!!!!! Hahaha i'm soooooo happy! :)
Actually this double degree thingy is not confirmed wan lor cos actually my home faculty is still Civil Engineering and i need to meet the requirements of both faculties be4 i get to continue on wif the double degree programme.
But within the huge letter dat came this morning were loads of additional info, and the 2 things dat caught my attention were the Overseas Student Exchange Programme as well as the double degree programme with French Grandes Ecoles!!!!!
The SEP can only last a max of 2 semesters and u need to take up a third language (French or German) be4 u qualify to go to either Austria, Belgium, France, Germany or Switzerland and competition is stiff so u might not be able to get in......
The DDP though allows u to spend half of ur time in Spore and half of ur time in any 6 of the unis in France!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So dats like at least 2 years man!!!!!!!
I'm so looking forward to join either 1 but i need to find out more details cos u're supposed to make ur applications now and i dun wan to regret my decision later on.......
Gonna do my homework now and research on stuff related to my future!!!!
Application status enquiry
Application number 17000420
Application statusThe general stages for the application status areApplication received --> Application processing --> Outcome of application
You have been offered Engineering and Economics in academic year 2007 - 2008.The details of the offer will be stated in the offer letter.Your letter of offer was sent on 10-May-2007.Please reply at the Joint Acceptance website by 04-Jun-2007.
Woohooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Hahaha and the letter just arrived this morning too!!!!!! Hahaha i'm soooooo happy! :)
Actually this double degree thingy is not confirmed wan lor cos actually my home faculty is still Civil Engineering and i need to meet the requirements of both faculties be4 i get to continue on wif the double degree programme.
But within the huge letter dat came this morning were loads of additional info, and the 2 things dat caught my attention were the Overseas Student Exchange Programme as well as the double degree programme with French Grandes Ecoles!!!!!
The SEP can only last a max of 2 semesters and u need to take up a third language (French or German) be4 u qualify to go to either Austria, Belgium, France, Germany or Switzerland and competition is stiff so u might not be able to get in......
The DDP though allows u to spend half of ur time in Spore and half of ur time in any 6 of the unis in France!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So dats like at least 2 years man!!!!!!!
I'm so looking forward to join either 1 but i need to find out more details cos u're supposed to make ur applications now and i dun wan to regret my decision later on.......
Gonna do my homework now and research on stuff related to my future!!!!
Ok actually i have sth more important to announce but i've already planned my entry for today so i'm gonna postpone the other wan to tomorrow (wahahaha the suspense......!)
I tink i can turn this blog into a Food Galore blog hahaha considering the amount of food i consume.......! But den i've also decided to start making resolutions which I MUST COMPLETE AND ACHIEVE starting frm tomorrow onwards so i guess the eating habit is something i must curb.........but den whenever i come across good food i'll announce it here too wahahaha! :)
So we'll start wif the food part 1st........this is gonna be quite a long entry i tink.............
Well me n kee went over to spore yesterday cos he wanted to check out the University of New South Wales (we both enjoyed the campus a lot but we are also looking forward to the new campus come 2009! The design is just WAYYYYYY cool!!!) and later on he brought me to this nice little Jap restaurant at Far East Plaza.........seriously speaking i've only been to Far East Plaza on 1 or 2 occasions onli and dats all........cos i seldom go to Orchard Road aneway......the restaurant is called Nanbantei and its at the highest floor.......Here's the exact add:
14 Scotts Road #05-132,
Far East Plaza, Singapore 228213
Tel: 6733 5666/6738 7470
Hahaha pro leh cos i took a name card frm the restaurant wahahaha....! Ok aneway both of us had this bento set called Obento........it basically comprises of jap white rice being covered in 3 diff ingredients: Seaweed, Shitake mushrooms which was cooked in a sauce and taste heavenly, as well as a stir-fried mince meat thingy which was very flavourful.......i tink the mince meat n the mushrooms were supposed to provide flavour to the rice which wasn't seasoned but just mix everything 2gether n it's PERFECTO!!!!!!!! :)
Next to the rice we have diff yakitori items (yakitori is one of my fav jap food item!!! :P ) They serve 5 to 6 diff items i tink........lemme see.........there was one that resembles meat balls, another thats sth like meat wif spring onion stalks in btw, and my fav wud be the asparagus wrapped in a thin sheet of bacon! I can't rmb the rest but i do noe dat they all taste good!!!!! They basically do it the normal yakitori style: roast it and dip it in a special sauce........but they all taste great!!!! The chef cooks in front of u for all to see and dats sth i like........the place isn't very big and they only serve lunch frm 12 to 2.30 but i'm telling you the Obento really rawks!!! And best of all it comes wif a desert which is red beans wif a tiny little ball in the middle that resembles Tang Yuan........its like a mini mochi w/o filling but the combination goes so well!!!!! That and the fact dat i like red beans hahaha!
The Obento set cost S$12.50............it may seem ex for Ringgit standard but in spore i tink u can consider it cheap cos afterall u're eating in orchard road AND in a well-established Jap restaurant! I can't wait to go bck again!!!!!!!! :)
After dat we had rojak at Far East (i tink it was at Far East......or was it Lucky Plaza......i tink Far East lar......) ermmmmmmm i can't rmb wat the stall was called but i do noe its located in front of this 2nd hand bookstore in which the owner looks a lot like Mr. Bean!!! (for real) Even customers call him Mr. Bean! Well the rojak stall is very small but i must say they serve the best rojak i've had up till now! I haven even eaten anything like it in Msia! Their sauce is very different cos its not thick n coal black like the rest but it's instead light wif a tangy tartness to it! I tink dats cos they add in either lime or lemon juice cos i saw a cup of yellowish fluid on the stall's table.....but i'm telling you it really rawks!!!!! And they roast their tau kuah n you char kuai be4 they add them in.....! They also add sth few ppl will add......Ginger Flower!!!!! The whole combi just rawks my world man!!!!!!!!!
After dat we went to Lucky Plaza cos Kee wanted to intro me Avocado Juice, which is sth i've never even heard of be4 in my life! The 2 restaurants he went told us they're out of it already but luckily as i was withdrawing money frm an ATM he found another restaurant still serving the item!!! And the good news is dat this restaurant had a diff version cos they add in a little chocolate syrup at the bottom n sides of the cup so having the juice 2gether wif the chocolate syrup was HEAVENLY!!!!!!!! The juice is actually very thick cos avocado itself is already so creamy so the whole thing taste a lot like a milk shake but 2gether wif chocolate syrup its just soooooooooo good! Oh by the way all the restaurants serving it are indon restuarants........Meimei is this avocado thingy suppposed to be an Indon delicacy?
Aneway, we head dwn to the new Novena Square later on to check out this new shop called QQ Riceball! I saw it being featured on TV once so i can rmb it but since none of us have tried it be4 we decided to buy 1 each even though at that point of time i was already VERY full hahaha! Basically this riceball thingy is a food concept being brought it frm taiwan........u get to choose diff types of rice (they have 5, ranging frm purple rice to mixed grains to brown rice) and den choose another 5 fillings to be placed in the middile of the rice in which later on they will add more rice to make it into a HUGE riceball..........i chose purple rice and fillings of asparagus, flak fish, spicy meat floss, seaweed and turkey bacon.....the whole combination actually taste quite good but here's an advice: NVR EAT EM WHEN U'RE FULL!!!!!!! Cos they can be very filling..........the purple rice actually taste n look a lot like black glutinous rice.......the one often used to cook the desert but im not sure whether they're the same..........all in all it was rather nice!
Well..........i forgot to take pics of all the wonderful cuisine i've sampled thruout the day except for the riceballs............was having a tough time uploading the pics into blogger.......its such a bitch............so eventually i came up wof a new way........i uploaded the pics into my yahoo album den uploaded em frm there into blogger n it was over within a few secs!!!!!!! Wahahaha i'm brilliant lol! :P

MAN U MAY BE COMING TO MSIA AFTERALL!!!!!!!!!! Cos PM Abdullah wants em to come so BIG CHANCE OF EM COMING!!!!!!!!!! Wahahahaha!!! :)
And i just can't stand Jose..............can he get worst................disgusting fella..............
Oh ya almost forgot........MY RESOLUTIONS!!!!!!! I'm making 2 today......realistic 1's.........1stly im gonna start the habit of eating at least 1 apple everyday! It's the healthy way of living aneway haha! Next, i wanna restart my exercise regime!!!!! Im not gonna restrict my diet to an extrme extent so in order for me to eat delicious food w/o feeling so guilty i need to exercise!! 2 realistic resolutions rite? I've already started Number 1 today and i'm gonna start Number 2 tmr and continue them on all the way!!!!!!!! :)
No new songs lately...........but i wanna buy the Michael Buble cd cos i tink it's rather good! Ohhhhh n tmr's mother's day!!!!!! I haven gotten any present yet so i guess i'll get a cake tmr!! (it's the easy way out hahaha but i really dun have a clue when it comes to buying prezzies......) :P
More news tmr!!!!!!!! Good news!!!!!!!! :)
I tink i can turn this blog into a Food Galore blog hahaha considering the amount of food i consume.......! But den i've also decided to start making resolutions which I MUST COMPLETE AND ACHIEVE starting frm tomorrow onwards so i guess the eating habit is something i must curb.........but den whenever i come across good food i'll announce it here too wahahaha! :)
So we'll start wif the food part 1st........this is gonna be quite a long entry i tink.............
Well me n kee went over to spore yesterday cos he wanted to check out the University of New South Wales (we both enjoyed the campus a lot but we are also looking forward to the new campus come 2009! The design is just WAYYYYYY cool!!!) and later on he brought me to this nice little Jap restaurant at Far East Plaza.........seriously speaking i've only been to Far East Plaza on 1 or 2 occasions onli and dats all........cos i seldom go to Orchard Road aneway......the restaurant is called Nanbantei and its at the highest floor.......Here's the exact add:
14 Scotts Road #05-132,
Far East Plaza, Singapore 228213
Tel: 6733 5666/6738 7470
Hahaha pro leh cos i took a name card frm the restaurant wahahaha....! Ok aneway both of us had this bento set called Obento........it basically comprises of jap white rice being covered in 3 diff ingredients: Seaweed, Shitake mushrooms which was cooked in a sauce and taste heavenly, as well as a stir-fried mince meat thingy which was very flavourful.......i tink the mince meat n the mushrooms were supposed to provide flavour to the rice which wasn't seasoned but just mix everything 2gether n it's PERFECTO!!!!!!!! :)
Next to the rice we have diff yakitori items (yakitori is one of my fav jap food item!!! :P ) They serve 5 to 6 diff items i tink........lemme see.........there was one that resembles meat balls, another thats sth like meat wif spring onion stalks in btw, and my fav wud be the asparagus wrapped in a thin sheet of bacon! I can't rmb the rest but i do noe dat they all taste good!!!!! They basically do it the normal yakitori style: roast it and dip it in a special sauce........but they all taste great!!!! The chef cooks in front of u for all to see and dats sth i like........the place isn't very big and they only serve lunch frm 12 to 2.30 but i'm telling you the Obento really rawks!!! And best of all it comes wif a desert which is red beans wif a tiny little ball in the middle that resembles Tang Yuan........its like a mini mochi w/o filling but the combination goes so well!!!!! That and the fact dat i like red beans hahaha!
The Obento set cost S$12.50............it may seem ex for Ringgit standard but in spore i tink u can consider it cheap cos afterall u're eating in orchard road AND in a well-established Jap restaurant! I can't wait to go bck again!!!!!!!! :)
After dat we had rojak at Far East (i tink it was at Far East......or was it Lucky Plaza......i tink Far East lar......) ermmmmmmm i can't rmb wat the stall was called but i do noe its located in front of this 2nd hand bookstore in which the owner looks a lot like Mr. Bean!!! (for real) Even customers call him Mr. Bean! Well the rojak stall is very small but i must say they serve the best rojak i've had up till now! I haven even eaten anything like it in Msia! Their sauce is very different cos its not thick n coal black like the rest but it's instead light wif a tangy tartness to it! I tink dats cos they add in either lime or lemon juice cos i saw a cup of yellowish fluid on the stall's table.....but i'm telling you it really rawks!!!!! And they roast their tau kuah n you char kuai be4 they add them in.....! They also add sth few ppl will add......Ginger Flower!!!!! The whole combi just rawks my world man!!!!!!!!!
After dat we went to Lucky Plaza cos Kee wanted to intro me Avocado Juice, which is sth i've never even heard of be4 in my life! The 2 restaurants he went told us they're out of it already but luckily as i was withdrawing money frm an ATM he found another restaurant still serving the item!!! And the good news is dat this restaurant had a diff version cos they add in a little chocolate syrup at the bottom n sides of the cup so having the juice 2gether wif the chocolate syrup was HEAVENLY!!!!!!!! The juice is actually very thick cos avocado itself is already so creamy so the whole thing taste a lot like a milk shake but 2gether wif chocolate syrup its just soooooooooo good! Oh by the way all the restaurants serving it are indon restuarants........Meimei is this avocado thingy suppposed to be an Indon delicacy?
Aneway, we head dwn to the new Novena Square later on to check out this new shop called QQ Riceball! I saw it being featured on TV once so i can rmb it but since none of us have tried it be4 we decided to buy 1 each even though at that point of time i was already VERY full hahaha! Basically this riceball thingy is a food concept being brought it frm taiwan........u get to choose diff types of rice (they have 5, ranging frm purple rice to mixed grains to brown rice) and den choose another 5 fillings to be placed in the middile of the rice in which later on they will add more rice to make it into a HUGE riceball..........i chose purple rice and fillings of asparagus, flak fish, spicy meat floss, seaweed and turkey bacon.....the whole combination actually taste quite good but here's an advice: NVR EAT EM WHEN U'RE FULL!!!!!!! Cos they can be very filling..........the purple rice actually taste n look a lot like black glutinous rice.......the one often used to cook the desert but im not sure whether they're the same..........all in all it was rather nice!
Well..........i forgot to take pics of all the wonderful cuisine i've sampled thruout the day except for the riceballs............was having a tough time uploading the pics into blogger.......its such a bitch............so eventually i came up wof a new way........i uploaded the pics into my yahoo album den uploaded em frm there into blogger n it was over within a few secs!!!!!!! Wahahaha i'm brilliant lol! :P

Kee's riceball....he chose 2 diff rice

Kee's fillings.......

Mine with all the fillings

When it's yet to be unwrapped

When it's fully unwraped
However..........the bad news is dat i've been having a diahorea all day long today.......maybe i ate 2 much...........wateva..........its all worth it wahahaha! :)
Ok the food part of today's entry is officially over........!!!!! I'm gonna talk abt sum other stuff i wanna say.........
MAN U MAY BE COMING TO MSIA AFTERALL!!!!!!!!!! Cos PM Abdullah wants em to come so BIG CHANCE OF EM COMING!!!!!!!!!! Wahahahaha!!! :)
And i just can't stand Jose..............can he get worst................disgusting fella..............
Oh ya almost forgot........MY RESOLUTIONS!!!!!!! I'm making 2 today......realistic 1's.........1stly im gonna start the habit of eating at least 1 apple everyday! It's the healthy way of living aneway haha! Next, i wanna restart my exercise regime!!!!! Im not gonna restrict my diet to an extrme extent so in order for me to eat delicious food w/o feeling so guilty i need to exercise!! 2 realistic resolutions rite? I've already started Number 1 today and i'm gonna start Number 2 tmr and continue them on all the way!!!!!!!! :)
No new songs lately...........but i wanna buy the Michael Buble cd cos i tink it's rather good! Ohhhhh n tmr's mother's day!!!!!! I haven gotten any present yet so i guess i'll get a cake tmr!! (it's the easy way out hahaha but i really dun have a clue when it comes to buying prezzies......) :P
More news tmr!!!!!!!! Good news!!!!!!!! :)
Labels: Avocado Juice, Nanbantei, QQ Riceball
So.........im actually writing this entry frm the campus of the university of new south wales wahahaha and the speed is wayyyyy faster than my so-called broadband at home....! :)
Ok there's really nth much to say im just enjoying the aircond for now wahahaha.............
Ok there's really nth much to say im just enjoying the aircond for now wahahaha.............
So........i've received 2 invitations to attend tea sessions at SMU and NTU........cos i tink once they offer u places they will organise such events to let u noe more abt the course u're taking.........SMU wan is for Economics.............den NTU wan is for Civil Engineering..........BUT WHY MUST THEY BOTH FALL ON THE SAME DAY!!!!!!????????
Both SMU and NTU are having it on a Sat.............next Sat actually..........SMU's starts at 3.00 pm and ends at 5.00 pm while NTU's starts frm 1.30 pm and ends at 5.00 pm..............actually when i 1st received the email frm SMU 2 days ago i din feel like going cos i noe most prob i wun be going to SMU.........den now also received email frm NTU.............
Actually if i wan to go i wud like to go for both cos i get to understand wat the course i'm taking is really all abt and since i applied for a double degree in econs n civil engineering at NUS obviously going to both allows me to get a betta idea of wat the degree programme for both courses really are and whether or not i can handle both............but den sadly the timing clashes.........i tink they all "pakat" wan lor............
If i'm really gonna choose 1, i tink i'll go for the NTU wan cos at least i took econs for A levels mar so still noe a bit of the subject lar but den civil engineering i dun have a very clear picture of everything...........
But den i dun really feel like travelling there leh..........def not SMU cos so far................at least NTU nearer..............
Haih dunno lar very lazy to go...........and den always go alone wan so sien.............
Both SMU and NTU are having it on a Sat.............next Sat actually..........SMU's starts at 3.00 pm and ends at 5.00 pm while NTU's starts frm 1.30 pm and ends at 5.00 pm..............actually when i 1st received the email frm SMU 2 days ago i din feel like going cos i noe most prob i wun be going to SMU.........den now also received email frm NTU.............
Actually if i wan to go i wud like to go for both cos i get to understand wat the course i'm taking is really all abt and since i applied for a double degree in econs n civil engineering at NUS obviously going to both allows me to get a betta idea of wat the degree programme for both courses really are and whether or not i can handle both............but den sadly the timing clashes.........i tink they all "pakat" wan lor............
If i'm really gonna choose 1, i tink i'll go for the NTU wan cos at least i took econs for A levels mar so still noe a bit of the subject lar but den civil engineering i dun have a very clear picture of everything...........
But den i dun really feel like travelling there leh..........def not SMU cos so far................at least NTU nearer..............
Haih dunno lar very lazy to go...........and den always go alone wan so sien.............
So...........i just felt the urge to switch my sim card frm the Maxis one to the Singtel one just to check whether i have any miscalls frm Spore..........i found that there were 2...........one frm my fren n the other frm an unknown number..........went on the play my ps2 when suddenly my hp rang............it was frm NTU's scholarship section asking me to send my CCA documents to them cos i was shortlisted for the ASEAN scholarship thingy...........so...............YEAH!!!!!!!! Though i'm not keen to go to NTU but hey any news is good news to me nowadays! :)
They also sent me an email just to make sure............but still luckily i changed my sim card lar.......i tink i'll be using a lot of my Singtel card nowadays..........
NUS still no news.........i tink i'm numb frm all the waiting...............
The weather is horrendous by the way..............
On a brighter note, KINGDOM HEARTS 2 RAWKS!!!!!!!! SO DOES GOD OF WAR 2!!!!!!!!!!!
AND YAYYY!!!!! MAN U RAWKS!!!!!!!!!!
They also sent me an email just to make sure............but still luckily i changed my sim card lar.......i tink i'll be using a lot of my Singtel card nowadays..........
NUS still no news.........i tink i'm numb frm all the waiting...............
The weather is horrendous by the way..............
On a brighter note, KINGDOM HEARTS 2 RAWKS!!!!!!!! SO DOES GOD OF WAR 2!!!!!!!!!!!
AND YAYYY!!!!! MAN U RAWKS!!!!!!!!!!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'VE SETTLED IT!!!!!!!!! NO MORE BORING DAYS!!!!!!!! HALELUJAH!!!!!!!!!
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok dat was wat i was intending to say yesterday for the match btw Choong Tan Fook - Lee Wan Wah and Cai Yun - Fu Haifeng for the Aviva open.............but Msia lost................
They cud have ended the match during the 2nd round but they lost 2 match points and went on to lose the tournament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So disappointed.......................
Haih............ok................change of mood.............i'm going to settle the stuff once and for all.........i noe its ex and its very wasteful but wat the heck its my money.............i need sth to occupy my time and this is it................i tink im gonna regret it in the future but im onli living for the present so once again, what the heck........its my money................
And pls oh pls stop showing me "Application Processing"................................im sick of it..........
Ok dat was wat i was intending to say yesterday for the match btw Choong Tan Fook - Lee Wan Wah and Cai Yun - Fu Haifeng for the Aviva open.............but Msia lost................
They cud have ended the match during the 2nd round but they lost 2 match points and went on to lose the tournament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So disappointed.......................
Haih............ok................change of mood.............i'm going to settle the stuff once and for all.........i noe its ex and its very wasteful but wat the heck its my money.............i need sth to occupy my time and this is it................i tink im gonna regret it in the future but im onli living for the present so once again, what the heck........its my money................
And pls oh pls stop showing me "Application Processing"................................im sick of it..........
So........today was rather fun....! Went over to spore cos of yu xiang and xin hui's birthday outing! Was supposed to meet at Sommerset but den apparently yu xiang forgot to sms me abt the change of plans and we're supposed to meet at Parkway Parade instead.......luckily be4 i reached Sommerset xin hui called to inform me.........
We had lunch at swensen's (was supposed to eat Jap buffet at Suki but den cause kian siong cannot make it for lunch they decided not to have jap buffet......make me excited for nth lar.....I WAN TO EAT JAP BUFFET!!!!!!) and STICKY CHEWY CHOCOLATE RAWKS!!!!!!! Hahaha we actually ordered 2 deserts SCC and Apple Crumble but me and yu xiang prefered SCC over AC.......it was my first time having both so i dun mind the price which is obviously a little ex.......but it was really good!
Den we went over to Katong Shopping Mall for karaoke (hahaha arlene shud rmb the place cos it was the same place we went last time wif Matt and she din like the place cos of the smell of the incense - correct spelling? im refering to those "xiang" dat chinese use for praying.....issit called incense in english? like not correct leh........aiyah wateva......) frm 2 to 5 and sang mostly old songs lar wif a few newer ones.......and as usual most of the songs are way too high for my voice........nearly ended up wif another broken voice wif all those shouting n screeching to reach those impossible notes.........haih why cant i be born wif celine dion's voice.................
After dat its time to go home cos seriously parkway parade is VERY VERY FAR frm Kranji.........and i absolutely hate the journey bck................
So next time if wan to have class outing pls try n set them in central locations can hahaha pls dun choose anywhere on the green line.......worst still.......a venue where i have to change frm mrt to bus.........
My entry is nowhere near the length of meimei's recent wan hahaha....!
Looking forward to monday!
I'm out of fav songs..........
We had lunch at swensen's (was supposed to eat Jap buffet at Suki but den cause kian siong cannot make it for lunch they decided not to have jap buffet......make me excited for nth lar.....I WAN TO EAT JAP BUFFET!!!!!!) and STICKY CHEWY CHOCOLATE RAWKS!!!!!!! Hahaha we actually ordered 2 deserts SCC and Apple Crumble but me and yu xiang prefered SCC over AC.......it was my first time having both so i dun mind the price which is obviously a little ex.......but it was really good!
Den we went over to Katong Shopping Mall for karaoke (hahaha arlene shud rmb the place cos it was the same place we went last time wif Matt and she din like the place cos of the smell of the incense - correct spelling? im refering to those "xiang" dat chinese use for praying.....issit called incense in english? like not correct leh........aiyah wateva......) frm 2 to 5 and sang mostly old songs lar wif a few newer ones.......and as usual most of the songs are way too high for my voice........nearly ended up wif another broken voice wif all those shouting n screeching to reach those impossible notes.........haih why cant i be born wif celine dion's voice.................
After dat its time to go home cos seriously parkway parade is VERY VERY FAR frm Kranji.........and i absolutely hate the journey bck................
So next time if wan to have class outing pls try n set them in central locations can hahaha pls dun choose anywhere on the green line.......worst still.......a venue where i have to change frm mrt to bus.........
My entry is nowhere near the length of meimei's recent wan hahaha....!
Looking forward to monday!
I'm out of fav songs..........
I finally watched Spiderman 3 today wif Kee n 2 of his cousins........!!! But it was pretty much a let-down.........no surprises of any.......maybe cos watched the trailer 2 often since i'm setting foot into the cinemas at an average of like once a week.....? There were many fight scenes, dats undeniable.......but dats where the problem lies.........2 many fight scenes in which none stood out.......there wasn't really a climax where we wud all be sitting at the edges of our seats.....cos by the time dat "climax" came up we were already bombarded wif 2 many fight scenes be4 it dat everyone just grew a little bored.........i admit there were a few "shock" scenes dat jolted u off ur seat a little........dats good cos at least it add sum spice to the movie.......n the little twist in it is rather nice 2..........but other than dat its a little bit on the bland side........sum of the scenes which were supposed to be amazing (cos of the digital effects used) and were widely reported in newspapers turned out 2 be surprisingly short and be4 you got to appreciate the effects (you wud most probably be trying to concentrate on the story part instead of the effect part at that moment) they were already over.........and you just dun get all those sensationalised reports since those scenes were over be4 you even knew it.........
The movie is pretty long though......i tink almost 2 and a half hours.....? But as i said the movie being on the bland side causes it to be a bit draggy..........you wud be numb of the fighting scenes instead of awe-struck at the end of it............
Sad rite........? Haih i still admire X-Men 3 lar.............dat one was a superb trilogy finale.......same goes for LOTR...........all 3 rawks............but spiderman............hmmmmmmmm..........i tink the 2nd 1 was betta...............
Gonna look forward to even more movies! I tink i'm watching The Hills Have Eyes 2 wif Kee on monday..........i din watch the 1st but i'm just watching the 2nd for the sake of watching it.......i hope it doesnt gross me out.......
Ohhhh and Blades of Glory seem to be a pretty hilarious comedy!! Watched the trailer n it was disgusting! As in disgustingly hilarious! Well anything wif Will Ferrel in it is gonna end up disgusting.......in any way! So yeah i tink i'll be catching dat movie soon once its up! :P
And as usual.........Application processing..............i'm sick of waiting...........
The movie is pretty long though......i tink almost 2 and a half hours.....? But as i said the movie being on the bland side causes it to be a bit draggy..........you wud be numb of the fighting scenes instead of awe-struck at the end of it............
Sad rite........? Haih i still admire X-Men 3 lar.............dat one was a superb trilogy finale.......same goes for LOTR...........all 3 rawks............but spiderman............hmmmmmmmm..........i tink the 2nd 1 was betta...............
Gonna look forward to even more movies! I tink i'm watching The Hills Have Eyes 2 wif Kee on monday..........i din watch the 1st but i'm just watching the 2nd for the sake of watching it.......i hope it doesnt gross me out.......
Ohhhh and Blades of Glory seem to be a pretty hilarious comedy!! Watched the trailer n it was disgusting! As in disgustingly hilarious! Well anything wif Will Ferrel in it is gonna end up disgusting.......in any way! So yeah i tink i'll be catching dat movie soon once its up! :P
And as usual.........Application processing..............i'm sick of waiting...........
So.........i went over to spore today at 8.45 am and reached bck home at ard 10.30 am........not even 2 hours hahaha........just went over and stopped at Marsiling to settle sum bank stuff at POSB den came bck immediately.........but since my student pass expire liao so now go over must write the white card........so ma fan........
I'm so bored........n i wanna watch Spiderman 3 tmr wif Kee!!! Wahaha den maybe if all goes well when i come home tmr i wud have settled a very irritating and yet high priority issue dat will occupy my time for the days to come!!
Ohhhhhh........n i need to buy bd presents.........shit no money lar...........
And i'm beginning to hate NUS more and more........even nishanth received sth and he's all the way at INDIA!!!!!!!! Wat stamps to msia veri expensive issit?? Wan me sponsor u all or not.....!!?? I can even sponsor u DHL express lar!
And my diet plans have all but crashed dwn on me.......i tink i shud change my role model 2 ppl like reuben studdard.......liddat wun feel so demoralised........
Losing hope.................
I'm so bored........n i wanna watch Spiderman 3 tmr wif Kee!!! Wahaha den maybe if all goes well when i come home tmr i wud have settled a very irritating and yet high priority issue dat will occupy my time for the days to come!!
Ohhhhhh........n i need to buy bd presents.........shit no money lar...........
And i'm beginning to hate NUS more and more........even nishanth received sth and he's all the way at INDIA!!!!!!!! Wat stamps to msia veri expensive issit?? Wan me sponsor u all or not.....!!?? I can even sponsor u DHL express lar!
And my diet plans have all but crashed dwn on me.......i tink i shud change my role model 2 ppl like reuben studdard.......liddat wun feel so demoralised........
Losing hope.................
So................i actually drove for the first 1 hour on our journey to Malacca on the highway!!! Initially dinw an 2 but my mum asked me 2 cos my dad was tired after giving tuition......so this is my 1st time on the highway...........driving as fast as 140 km/h at sum areas but of course my mum wud ask me to slow dwn cos the max we were supposed to go was 110 hahaha....!
Actually when u're the passenger u dun really feel the speed......but as the driver sumtimes goin at 80 km/h is already VERI fast!!! But den on the highway its a diff matter altogether....cos all the other cars are zooming past you al the time with absolutely no regards to the supposed speed limit!! And travel buses too!!! Normal cars are mostly travelling btw 120 to 140 km/h (excluding those on the slow lane) while sum buses are going as fast as 130 to 140 km/h too without considering theirs and our safety! They're supposed to go at a max 90 km/h only leh!!! Siao ppl lar!!!
Ya.....as i was saying....on the highway you definitely wun tink 80 km/h is veri fast cos of relativity.........all the other cars are goin so fast and cutting cars is such a common sight.......and the road is just 1 str8 road ahead so no reason for you to brake..........therefore even when i'm driving at 120 km/h (max on highway is 110 km/h) i still dun find myself going fast.......there was one instance where i noticed this travelling bus in front of me and despite me driving at 120 i just can't seem to shorthen our distance (so dat tells ua lot abt the stupid bus's speed) so i got pissed and accelerated till over 140 km/h just to cut the bus den i went bck into the slow lane and resumed at 120 km/h wahahahaha! :P
Din get to eat my satay yet cos it's labour day n i tink the satay shop rests on tuesdays so maybe tmr i'll get to eat..............melaka satay is diff cos this shop is being managed by chinese so u get to eat pork satay n innards satay!! And their sauce got add pineapple so it's sweeter wif a tangy citrus taste which i like a lot!! :)
It has been an extremely HOT day over here..........i had to bath in cold water just to get rid of the heat.............man...........
Toni Braxton ~ Breathe Again
Actually when u're the passenger u dun really feel the speed......but as the driver sumtimes goin at 80 km/h is already VERI fast!!! But den on the highway its a diff matter altogether....cos all the other cars are zooming past you al the time with absolutely no regards to the supposed speed limit!! And travel buses too!!! Normal cars are mostly travelling btw 120 to 140 km/h (excluding those on the slow lane) while sum buses are going as fast as 130 to 140 km/h too without considering theirs and our safety! They're supposed to go at a max 90 km/h only leh!!! Siao ppl lar!!!
Ya.....as i was saying....on the highway you definitely wun tink 80 km/h is veri fast cos of relativity.........all the other cars are goin so fast and cutting cars is such a common sight.......and the road is just 1 str8 road ahead so no reason for you to brake..........therefore even when i'm driving at 120 km/h (max on highway is 110 km/h) i still dun find myself going fast.......there was one instance where i noticed this travelling bus in front of me and despite me driving at 120 i just can't seem to shorthen our distance (so dat tells ua lot abt the stupid bus's speed) so i got pissed and accelerated till over 140 km/h just to cut the bus den i went bck into the slow lane and resumed at 120 km/h wahahahaha! :P
Din get to eat my satay yet cos it's labour day n i tink the satay shop rests on tuesdays so maybe tmr i'll get to eat..............melaka satay is diff cos this shop is being managed by chinese so u get to eat pork satay n innards satay!! And their sauce got add pineapple so it's sweeter wif a tangy citrus taste which i like a lot!! :)
It has been an extremely HOT day over here..........i had to bath in cold water just to get rid of the heat.............man...........
Toni Braxton ~ Breathe Again
"Slow Dance"
Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
Ever told your child
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say, "Hi"
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there
When you worry and hurry through your day
It is like an unopened gift
Thrown away
Life is not a race
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over
This is a poem written by a cancer-stricken kid sumwhere in the United States of America.......how true is dat i dunno......but i do noe dat i received it in my mail........sort of like a chain mail thingy? Regardless of where it came frm, the poem is very true.........so dats y i left it here be4 i go off to malacca.......
I don't get the chance
To listen to the rain
Because the traffic always
Drown it out with pain
I don't see butterflies
Nor sunrise or sunsets
Cause these things we take for granted
Are now a luxury to get
I do ask "How are you"
A million times a day
Ninety-nine hundred nine thousand and ninety-nine times
A reply is not expected anyway
When i lie in my bed
In the middle of the night
I think of the chores i did wrong
Rather than the ones i did right
I push things to a later date
As often as i could
Just to regret later
Not doing it when i should
I've let a few friendships down
They just flickered out and died
I don't want this anymore
To think back next time and sigh
So the next time we get confused
On whether we should rush or take things slow
Spend a little time thinking
Whether we're facing a friend or a foe
Treat a challenge as the latter
Don't leave it to a "tomorrow"
Face a friendship as the first
Don't let it be filled with sorrow
But the most important thing of all
Is to enjoy just who you really are
Just what you have accomplished now
Whether it's a birdie or a par
I can't think of a title for this, so we'll leave it at that....... Sumtimes its pretty much an irony rite? We're supposed to be all enthu and full of drive to go out and accomplish big stuff......but when you're in overdrive you tend to neglect the details and nuances which makes everything so special.......
Slow down.......? Or gear up.....?
Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
Ever told your child
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say, "Hi"
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there
When you worry and hurry through your day
It is like an unopened gift
Thrown away
Life is not a race
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over
This is a poem written by a cancer-stricken kid sumwhere in the United States of America.......how true is dat i dunno......but i do noe dat i received it in my mail........sort of like a chain mail thingy? Regardless of where it came frm, the poem is very true.........so dats y i left it here be4 i go off to malacca.......
I don't get the chance
To listen to the rain
Because the traffic always
Drown it out with pain
I don't see butterflies
Nor sunrise or sunsets
Cause these things we take for granted
Are now a luxury to get
I do ask "How are you"
A million times a day
Ninety-nine hundred nine thousand and ninety-nine times
A reply is not expected anyway
When i lie in my bed
In the middle of the night
I think of the chores i did wrong
Rather than the ones i did right
I push things to a later date
As often as i could
Just to regret later
Not doing it when i should
I've let a few friendships down
They just flickered out and died
I don't want this anymore
To think back next time and sigh
So the next time we get confused
On whether we should rush or take things slow
Spend a little time thinking
Whether we're facing a friend or a foe
Treat a challenge as the latter
Don't leave it to a "tomorrow"
Face a friendship as the first
Don't let it be filled with sorrow
But the most important thing of all
Is to enjoy just who you really are
Just what you have accomplished now
Whether it's a birdie or a par
I can't think of a title for this, so we'll leave it at that....... Sumtimes its pretty much an irony rite? We're supposed to be all enthu and full of drive to go out and accomplish big stuff......but when you're in overdrive you tend to neglect the details and nuances which makes everything so special.......
Slow down.......? Or gear up.....?